Wanting to simply do maintenance if nothing else is fine if our standard is mediocrity at best. We should have a higher bar than that, regardless of the governor's need to be seen as Mr. Fiscal Responsibility.
The BRA was never abolished, it was simply rebranded, which is what you're pre-accusing Wu of doing. I also don't think she would be "anti-development" - if you listen to what she's saying, I think you'll find that she's not a NIMBY. She may not be as pro-development as the people on this board...
Rather than immediately replying with your predictable, knee-jerk bombast, you should take a look at the actual report. There's a lot in the Boston development process that needs improvement, even if you think we've got a supply shortage.
The chair of the control board gave the project manager and contractors a bit of a dressing down at the meeting yesterday. Nothing that would really make headlines, but still fairly strong when coming from a relatively mild-mannered guy like Aiello.
Gotta say that wearing a bowtie to a public meeting that's being attended and/or watched by hundreds of people, including important agency heads, is a poor choice, at least if you're responsible for making a big presentation at said meeting.
Communication is great, but there needs to be sufficient replacement service. Telling people that they're up shit creek on the weekend until 2020 is unacceptable - even if it's communicated very well that we're up shit creek. We need great communication, and a paddle.
Leave a $500 ticket on their window, and boot them when they don't pay.
This is also why right turns are not allowed in the bus/train lanes in downtown Portland. Granted, it's easier when you're dealing with a grid, and people can easily take a few lefts to get back around.
Glad to hear it, and that is a great step. Again, there needs to be the political will. Quadruple the fines, and people will stay the hell out of the lane. Dismiss infractions because nobody really cares, and people will keep cruising down the "bus lane." There are bus/train lanes in downtown...
Exactly. For all intents and purposes, there IS NO bus-only lane, except in very limited places. I can paint something off in front of my house that says "Coyote137 ONLY in this space," but it doesn't mean shit.