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  1. C

    Dock Square Parking Garage | 20 Clinton Street | Downtown

    Re: Dock Square Parking Garage | 20 Clinton Street | Why do I feel this thread is going to veer off into a massive pile of bull droppings?
  2. C

    The New Retail Thread

    Indeed, they're not hiding the fact that this is pure crony capitalism.
  3. C

    The New Retail Thread

    The restaurant association needs to cram this right back up where it came from.
  4. C

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    For someone who’s “at the conversations” you seem fairly naive about this.
  5. C

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    It's been a load of crap from the beginning. There's been no reason for the Silver Line to not use the ramp all the time, other than the state police don't want it to happen.
  6. C

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    I noticed that language in an ad on the subway. "Memberships start at $2,300." I wanted to choke the person who came up with it.
  7. C

    The New Retail Thread

    Definitely was a spot for groups - I was a part of more than one. It's a nice space, so hopefully something good comes from it.
  8. C

    The Boulevard (née The Times/Littlest Bar) | 110 Broad St | Downtown

    I think this came out nice, and I also think our friend Houdini over here should be sent packing.
  9. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    There will be a lot of people not arriving via SOV. I didn't realize how many of you simply don't get around via transit, but plenty of people will be on the trains and buses, etc. And plenty of people will pay the parking fee - including people who arrive all in the same vehicle, and split the...
  10. C

    Please stop.

    Re: What's Happening With Project X? There were comments deleted.
  11. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Interesting idea. Gateway is already kind of a cluster bang, though. Traffic can be backed up to 16 just getting into the parking lot.
  12. C

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    Ah, so that's the development visible from the Green St platform.
  13. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Hmm, I will gladly do so if everyone here ponies up for a couple chips.
  14. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Where do you propose this off ramp be built? Whose land will be taken for it? And why do you want to encourage auto traffic instead of focusing on other means of transport to and from the casino?
  15. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Define "upgraded infrastructure," and define "these areas." There have been multiple studies at the city and state levels with regard to transportation in the immediate vicinity of the casino, including redesign of Sullivan Square. Encore will be providing water taxi service and shuttle buses...
  16. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Guaranteed that DCR is a huge pain in the ass on this, because that's what they do. But eventually it will be built.
  17. C

    Please stop.

    Re: What's Happening With Project X? Unless you're currently on bathtub crank, please use a smaller font. I understand your passion, but this isn't helping. Using big, bold font (complete with terrible grammar) won't get any project up and running any sooner.
  18. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Exactly. There have been two significant cases just this week of rapists being given no jail time (or no additional time beyond served) when the facts were not in dispute at all. Both of those cases involved average schlubs. One raped a minor, and one held his victim prisoner for a year. In any...
  19. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Your cadence is similar, and you also have a distinct lack of ability to understand how the law works. The Gaming Commission does not have the authority to fine Monsanto, or its dead former executives, for pollution from decades ago. They DO, however, have the authority to fine a company (Wynn)...
  20. C

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    Are you Rifleman's sock puppet?
