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  1. OSUPhantom

    Zoning and segregation

    Very true and a totally valid point. Defining affordable as relative based on area would certainly not be an ideal way to encourage mixed-income neighborhoods and I'm not too informed on the 40B proposal but if that's the way it works I think that's a major flaw. I could have misinterpreted...
  2. OSUPhantom

    Where to Live

    Thanks for the recommendations everyone! I'm keeping my eyes on craiglist listings to get an idea of rents for certain areas so hopefully in a couple of months I'll feel financially comfortable enough to find my own place.
  3. OSUPhantom

    Where to Live

    That's the train I currently take and it's very convenient however the options are limited. I'm concerned Norwood but I'm not sure if it's a really a young professional kind of area.
  4. OSUPhantom

    Where to Live

    Wentworth Institute of Technology so North Station would probably be more convenient since it has direct access to the Orange/Green Line. I would probably say my budget is at most $900 a month, beyond that I don't think I could afford that AND my student loans. I do own a car however if there...
  5. OSUPhantom

    Zoning and segregation

    Many cities and even suburbs have begun to implement zoning/code policies that require affordable housing be included in new developments. I have no specifics on what percentage of towns/cities include these but there the modern day planning community has been far more involved in promoting safe...
  6. OSUPhantom

    Where to Live

    Not sure where this topic would go so this seemed like a safe place. If it would be better off in another section then let me know. Recently I just started a job with a college in Boston and while I, like many recent college graduates, live with my parents to save up some money my goal is to...
  7. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Love the idea but hate the design. Hopefully they change it to something that fits downtown Manchester (i.e Hanover Street).
  8. OSUPhantom

    Zoning and segregation

    I knew it would be a matter of time before race-baiting made it's way to planning...
  9. OSUPhantom

    Progress in Lowell

    Amazing transformation. Good for the City of Lowell. I love seeing these old mill cities come back. It's inspiring.
  10. OSUPhantom

    New Bedford Developments

    I grew up in the New Bedford-Fall River area and everyone in that area seems to think New Bedford is awful. Admittedly when my boyfriend told me he found an apartment there I was reluctant to say the least. After three months I can say I love living in New Bedford, it's such a hidden jewel...
  11. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Very exciting news on all fronts! I just graduated from The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. A lot of people don't know it but Columbus is thriving right now and just surpassed Boston in terms of population and what you're seeing is that a lot of students who go to school at OSU or one of...
  12. OSUPhantom

    What would you do to get the T out of its financial mess?

    The biggest chances to help get the T back on track and the MBTA is playing politics...oy...
  13. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Yes! I've been following the rail news a lot recently. I want nothing more than for NH to get a commuter rail.
  14. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Do you think Gatsas would run again? If not who do you think the GOP would put up. Also I was in my planning studio class and I decided to write down a platform if I ever ran for mayor of my homecity. I'll have to send it to you sometime and see what you think.
  15. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    I'm a lifelong Republican but the NH GOP had to go. No creative solutions at all and just a total lack of leadership.
  16. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    An updates on Manchester? Seems so dead compared to Portland...
  17. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    I will be extremely excited if we get a commuter rail system.
  18. OSUPhantom

    What would you do to get the T out of its financial mess?

    Found this reading the Herald today: There's more to the article. If I'm reading it right then it appears somewhere we lost about $100 million in revenue.
  19. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm really hoping I can find a planning job back in New England. Somewhere in NH would be awesome but I realize Boston is a better market for that. I agree, it seems at though Manchester had some great plans and it seems like the recession put the brakes on most of...
  20. OSUPhantom

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Hey all, I'm actually a Manchester, NH native (as is my father. Grew up his whole life in Rimmon Heights). I'm going to school at Ohio State University for Urban Planning and I was happy for find archboston and that they had a section on my hometown! Looks like Manchester is moving in the...
