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  1. N

    Rt 128 Interchanges

    Tangential to the 95/128 conversation, but apropos nonetheless, MassDOT is proposing a modified diverging diamond as a replacement for the existing Rt. 9/Rt. 27 cloverleaf:
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    Rt 128 Interchanges

    Cloverleafs work - provided traffic flow is inherently low and provides sufficient gaps in the flow to allow for weaving. Which is why 128 was constructed with so many of them at its interchanges. As soon as traffic increased, they became problematic. You just cannot process vehicles...
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    Rt 128 Interchanges

    There was never going to be a viable solution to fixing that mess, other than relocation of the access point. It's just too close to the interchange.
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Not to go too off-topic here, but given B6's presence at BOS, I've switched to them for the vast majority of my leisure travel. Accordingly, I have their co-branded Barclays Mastercard which gives you 6x points on all airfare purchases, plus baggage allowances on all blue fares. I've found...
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Apparently, it's due to a lack of aircraft. They scaled back their orders for 321LRs, so they won't take delivery on the ones they need for BOS-LHR until next year.
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    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    IIRC, the closest measurement was 9" between the two buildings. There were no common walls.
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    Regional New England Rail (Amtrak & State DOT & NEC)

    forgive my ignorance, but why does the Caltrans engine have the fairing on the rear, why the midwest one doesn't? Is this for aerodynamics when coupled with a different car set that is taller (double deckers)?
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    Grounding the McGrath

    Not rumble strips. Rather, we refer to them as "detectable warning panels". But yeah, there aren't any today.
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    I would suggest reading up on the proposed JetBlue TATL flights. They are doing BOS-LHR and JFK-LHR, and possibly both to Gatwick as well. A321LRs. Dublin is not in the offering at all.
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    City Hall Plaza Revamp | Government Center

    Anyone have any new photos of this project? Did we ever get additional info as to the mysterious tunnels under the plaza?
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    DCR Allston-Brighton Riverfront Parks and Parkways

    Alt. 1C stands out for me because it eliminates the need for a left turn lane on the WB approach to Nonantum Rd. and provides a separated right turn lane onto N. Beacon St. The roundabouts presented in Alt. 1B are great in theory, but would go to hell from an operational standpoint if the...
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    Urbx "Skyscraper" Supermarket, Seaport

    The last thing this area needs is something that not only removes an outdoor interaction place for the little human activity that exists there, but adds a use that further removes the human element as well.
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    So here's a question - how does this mesh with JetBlue's plans for BOS-London? EI is a partner with JetBlue, but they are also partners with United.
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    General Infrastructure

    I deal with MassDOT projects for a living. The time difference between the 25% and 75% submissions is nowhere what normal scheduling and reviews usually take, so that tells me the project was temporarily shelved or reworked.
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    Unbuilt roads around metro Boston

    Better start getting familiar with them, as MassDOT has become a major proponent of them. More often then not, they require an alternatives analysis that includes a roundabout design option when constructing an intersection that meets a traffic signal warrant. In fact, I'm currently designing a...
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    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    Uh, oh. Looks like one of the new OL trainsets has derailed:
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    Hammond Pond Pkwy Road Diet

    There is no shortage of professional design guides that exist for proposed sign and marking standards for mixed-use paths. We just need to collectively hold those officials in charge of marking those decisions (i.e. local DPWs, MassDOT, DCR and their consultants) to those standards.
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    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    And now Pollack is out, on her way to DC to work in the Biden administration.
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    General Infrastructure

    HUGE NEWS BREAKING THIS MORNING! Sec. Pollack is heading to DC:
  20. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion So Norwegian is abandoning its 787 fleet and TATL operations, which in turn opens a number of slots at LGW. Connecting the dots here, could this be the opening JetBlue was waiting for in order to...
