Search results

  1. N

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    FWIW, they started the interior renovations on level 9 inside the Garden. They wanted to start these already, but were forced to delay them for obvious reasons. Most of the existing columns surrounding the promenade have been covered up.
  2. N

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Re: Site in Hub top choice for a soccer stadium That NESN article was nothing more than clickbait that regurgitated a rumor presented in an Athletic story posted a week prior. Nothing to see here for now.
  3. N

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    I do these all the time. I start with the MassDOT Weighted Bid Averages and make adjustments based on economy of scale or vice-versa and add in contingency factors. The aim is to have an estimate that is around the average, as you never want to have something that represents the low bid. But you...
  4. N

    Biking in Boston

    It's that condescending attitude that only contributes to the animosity between bicyclists and motorists. Multimodal upgrades are here to stay. It's a process, though. Made way more difficult by physical constraints in built up urban locations. Part of that process is analyzing the potential...
  5. N

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    I have fond memories of the old Garden area: The grit, lack of sunlight, the two story McDonalds, the Analex building and the nearby Stop & Shop bakery where we used to park becuase my uncle had connections. I have a soft spot because that's what I grew up with. It was my introduction to the...
  6. N

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    The first time I saw this canopy, I immediately thought of the old Maple Leaf Gardens. The juxtaposition to the new Garden has given me pause a number of times.
  7. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion Hmmm..are they getting a jump on JetBlue or are they sensing B6 is...
  8. N

    Middlesex County Courthouse Redevelopment | 40 Thorndike St | East Cambridge

    If ever there was a case for denying parking spaces, this is it. As others have said, this is incredibly close to Lechmere and just a bit longer to Kendall.
  9. N

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Just a thought - When you cram that much density, what do you do to offset the inevitable impacts on school systems? I'm not here to demean the benefits of affordable housing. We absolutely need some in greater Boston. But there are impacts that must be assessed along with them 40B...
  10. N

    Silver Line to Chelsea

    Full report here:
  11. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    I get what you're trying to rationalize, but B6 has made it apparent they want to compete with the legacies apples to apples, specifically via the Mint product on BOS/JFK to LHR. They know they can undercut the legacies and still be decently profitable on the route(s). Plus, they'll be able to...
  12. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    So, my question regarding the demise of the A380 is this: With BA and Emirates being the only two carriers to fly the 380 in/out of Logan, does is make sense for the Terminal E expansion to accommodate 380s to the degree that the plans currently call for, given that they might be flying for...
  13. N

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Exit the Garden through the new central staircase on a clear night and the view of the lit up Custom House tower is the single best thing about the Hub development.
  14. N

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    This. All of this. People love to sh*t all over the T for what happened yesterday. They used all available rolling stock, added extra trains and set up queues at North Station. Could they have done more? No question. South Station was a total cluster. Daily commuters were majorly impacted...
  15. N

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Because the effects on the evening commute would actually be worse.
  16. N

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    We've now had 12 parades since 2001 around here. All but one of them have been on a weekday. Regular (daily) commuters have chosen to do one of the following: 1) Knowing that trains rapidly reach capacity, they take a much earlier train than they normally would to ensure they get to work on...
  17. N

    Logan Airport Capital Projects

    I'd imagine that the APM would eliminate the need for a number of the existing buses, which as we all know are free to use. Getting rid of those buses would represent some major financial savings which would offset the cost of the APM, allowing the APM to potentially be free as well.
  18. N

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Absolutely. The merits of the Big Dig took a while to fully come to light. Make no mistake, it had its drawbacks: The cost overruns, the malfeasance, the cost cutting that really wasn't worth it. Plus, the growing pains of trying out brand new construction methods on a large scale. But given...
  19. N

    I-90 Interchange Improvement Project & West Station | Allston

    I'm still trying to make sense of this. The whole point of grounding the Pike was in part to minimize maintenance concerns with regard to a viaduct. But now we're creating a new viaduct (granted it's decidedly narrower) that will require some amount of additional maintenance over a side by side...
