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  1. S

    Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

    Every new building looks exactly the same. #5over1
  2. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Or a well lit concourse.
  3. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Awesome! Next time can you please zoom in on this area? :)
  4. S

    Medford Housing Authority | Walkling Court | Medford

    For a location with "Walk" in its name, it sure doesn't look very walkable. Lots of parking spaces though, ironically (and sadly), right next to the commuter rail line.
  5. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Are there detailed plans somewhere of the station portion of this project?
  6. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    I'm curious. Is that because it's easier for you to get to? South Station is actually easier for me, but all things being equal I like to get on at the first stop so I know I'll get a good seat. (Too bad I'm not taking the train anywhere anytime soon.)
  7. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Right now I'm most interested in photos like these that show the interaction of the existing track platform with the new archways and protection from the weather. So anybody going to South Station in the near future, please keep that in mind. Thanks!
  8. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with a stranger. Especially since you were both doing the same thing. It could have led to a nice conversation. Next time!
  9. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    On a related note, if they wanted to convert office to residential they'd need to deal with different plumbing. Residential floor-to-ceilings don't need to be as high, so they could possibly add the plumbing and a raised floor on top of it. Not a perfect solution, but a solution.
  10. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    This is what I've talked about before. Are they going to leave that big gap for the snow and rain to blow through onto the people below? Thanks you for posting this photo.
  11. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    That parking garage in the same photo is the most poorly designed parking garage in history. I suggest people go visit it just to be astounded at its complete lack of logic. And according to the flag it's also Taiwantown, which I completely approve of.
  12. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    The outer domes will be narrower than the middle one. You can tell by where the columns are spaced, and if you count the glass panels of the existing concourse in the rendering you can see that there are fewer in the outer sections than in the middle section. So there will still be a large area...
  13. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    ^^ I had been wondering about that too. As a train rider, I'm looking forward to the finished train platform. Hopefully it looks as good as it does in the renders. If anybody hopping on a train any time soon could snap a couple photos of how it looks from the actual track area, I'd appreciate...
  14. S

    Boston Skyline Photos
  15. S

    Tufts Development Projects

    Are you talking about the roof of the library?
  16. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    I assumed it was value engineering. But it's ultimately poor planning. Even extending the connecting structure over the roof of the existing station by a few feet would keep the rain out. The truss is already there because of the tower. All they'd need to do is connect it a little further over...
  17. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Thanks. I still don't understand why there is apparently an open-air gap between the existing station building and the angle connecting structure between the new bus terminal and the tower. If it's for ventilation, it seems like there could be a better way to provide that. You can see what I'm...
  18. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Does anybody know the construction schedule... when they'll work on the interior of the arches/domes and the connecting structure over the Atlantic Avenue side of the train passenger platform? In addition to the building, I'm also interested the finished version of the train station, and when it...
  19. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    I found this rendering on the Hines website. It's not definitive, but it looks like maaaaaybe there's coverage. I hope so.
  20. S

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    My concern is not with the quality of the arches, but with the open space where you currently see sky in Sam Staiti's photo below. Passengers will come from the warm waiting area and have to walk through snow and rain to get to the tracks. It seems like it would be so simple to just cover that...
