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    East Boston Infill and Small Developments

    "The BRA also approved Clippership Wharf, a residential project by Lend Lease that’s set to bring 492 residential units and create four acres of open space on the East Boston waterfront. The 12-acre Clippership Wharf site sits along the Boston Inner Harbor near the Maverick MBTA Blue Line...
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    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    Chelsea Clock Condo Project: ROBINSON CALLS FOR SAVING CHELSEA CLOCK, QUESTIONS LOFT PROJECT City Council President Leo Robinson has submitted a letter with major concerns over the proposed 692-unit loft project proposed for Vale Street and Everett Avenue - partially on top of the old Chelsea...
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    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    No imagination and the city has allowed the water treatment plant to expand next to the new hotel there AND its in the planning stages of allowing eversource to run underground power lines from everett, through chelsea , to east boston
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    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    Chelsea Waterfront Development going in fro City Consideration:
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    Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital | Navy Yard | Charlestown

    that WOULD be an interesting project if carried out... wouldnt it obstruct the path of the ships that go by that area though?
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    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    its a bit more work but you can also clear out all your history and it'll clear off the the pop-up message.
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    Copley Place Expansion and Tower | Back Bay

    I heard that simon will be closing down the dartmouth street entrance and the tunnel entrance to the orange line soon. A temporary entrance will be built somewhere on the side of copley place in the vicinity of the outside shops.
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    City Hall Plaza

    well, looks like next year they'll be adding turf and more lawn chairs. Genius plan!
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    New FBI Headquarters | Everett Avenue | Chelsea

    Re: FBI moving to Chelsea I'm not a construction person (healthcare industry is more my thing), but from these pics how much longer until this thing gets done? Another year? Off topic, how come there hasnt been any activity at the other lot for the hotel going up across the high school? The...
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    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    So I heard that there will be a "part 2" meeting for the French Club condos. Some of the oppositions brought to the first meeting (notes from matt frank, city council- District 3): - developers have not officially brought the proposal (to the neighbors) - Parking concerns - Shadow concerns -...
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    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    well, the real reason is that they dont want the project period. I dont know... in a way I wouldnt mind this project but then again I'd rather see chelsea take more advantage of their location and have more living spaces directed towards young professionals and have more hip restaurants and...
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    Hook Wharf | 400 Atlantic Ave | Downtown

    So you're ^ saying that you dont want the current layout with the picnic tables? LOL I agree, the 305' tower would look great, but I'd like to see more renderings vs a CAD-type depiction.
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    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) I'm just surprised that the aquarium isnt taking advantage of this opportunity to ask this project's developers to fork at least 50% towards the cost of a new aquarium (as previous stated). And to say that a small tower wont affect the animal vs a...
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    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) Aquarium officially opposes a tall tower; OKs a smaller building.
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    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    Theres HUGE opposition now for this project from surrounding neighbors, even threats of law suits against the city:
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    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    I see that some of the suggestions in this report are finally starting to be implemented: Theres also talk about another project on Eastern Ave, across from the new hotel off of Central Ave, near the...
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    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    i've been here for a while, just never been able to post 'til now! Very weird... I'm also a revs fan, lol.
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    New FBI Headquarters | Everett Avenue | Chelsea

    Re: FBI moving to Chelsea what a sad redesign, i wish they kept the original one.
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    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    cant wait for this to be completed
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