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  1. C

    Minneapolis | Twin Cities

    @#bancars Glad you found it! I figured I can't add much to Boston or NYC anymore. so I thought best to start something from my (not so) new home base.
  2. C

    Shreve, Crump & Low Redevelopment | 334-364 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    Ah crap. I want to hate this, but it fills in that corner really well and plays nice with its neighbors.
  3. C

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    Aw c'mon, a Van Leeuwen, too!! I am powerless to resist their ice cream.
  4. C

    Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

    They are probably still arguing over who should pay for the replacement cladding.
  5. C

    Minneapolis | Twin Cities

    Hines' North Loop Green is now complete.
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    River Street Redesign | Cambridge

    How is BedWorks still in business? It was there when I would go for haircuts as a kid in the 80's to our barber on River St.
  7. C

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    That first picture has a Chicago River/Loop vibe. Just have to put a few tall boys where the post office building is.
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    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    For those who have seen it recently in person: Does this development look like it integrates with or upgrades the area well or does it look like a Bentley Continental parked between 2 minivans at Costco? I plead ignorance bc I have not been on that block in probably 10 years.
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    585 Kendall | 585 Third Street | Kendall Square

    The way things are going in this building cycle, Cambridge might have more tower cranes than Boston looming in the sky for a while.
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    Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

    @chrisbrat my brother, you need to slim down that keychain.
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    AstraZeneca/Alexion MXD Tower | 290 Binney Street | Kendall Square

    So, is ThermoFisher going to be the tenant (given the big red Thermo sign on the fence)?
  12. C

    Watertown Mall Redevelopment | 550 Arsenal Street | Watertown

    Where on earth are all those trees going to come from? I like it, but those look like 20-30 year old trees. The reality is there will be 6 ft tall saplings planted there with loads of mulch.
  13. C

    Ragon Institute | 624 Main Street | Kendall Square

    ^^^^ As a Cantabridgian, I have a hard time explaining that back in the day, the whole Central Sq / Kendall Sq / Cambridgeport area, aside from MIT and a few software companies, was a dangerous, polluted area, full of carcasses from an industrial past that left long ago. I get about halfway...
  14. C

    NYC Architecture and Development

    I watched 50 West go up from my office nearby and on a sunny day it really glistens. It was one of the early curved-glass cornered buildings. The band of metal cladding between the glass adds a touch of class to it. I would be happy to have a pied-a-terre in that guy.
  15. C

    Residential/Retail Development | 2400 Mass Ave | Cambridge

    Is "sage green" the new offset window? I saw this color on another Cambridge proposal, too.
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    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Are they going to do something about those massive panel gaps in the archway?
  17. C

    Dick’s House of Sports | Prudential Center | Back Bay

    I would love to join the hate, but I just went to my local House of Sport and picked up some On Running shoes for me and my wife and some kicks for one of my kids. Great selection and nice staff, too. Would this be better in Burlington? Maybe, but if the zoning is what it is, then this is great...
  18. C

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    That first shot really hit home the amount of development that has been completed (and is still going on) in the Boylston/Brookline Ave stretch from the Pike to the Fens since I left town over 15 years ago. I like the slow and steady pace of things and how it continues to evolve.
  19. C

    40 Rugg Road | Allston

    Looks like someone folded time and space and instantly transported us from Allston to Greystar in Everett. I kid though. I lived in a new 5 over 1 a few years ago after living in Hudson Yards and honestly, it was perfectly fine. Lifeless outside aesthetic, but the apartments were quite nice.
