Search results

  1. reverend_paco

    Raffles Boston (40 Trinity Place) | 426 Stuart Street | Back Bay

    I didn't really like it at first, but this angle is certainly interesting. It will only be momentary before the blocks of the BackBay/SouthEnd gateway project block that view.
  2. reverend_paco

    Commonwealth Pier Revitalization (née Seaport WTC)| 200 Seaport Boulevard | Seaport

    Re: Commonwealth Pier Revitalization (née Seaport WTC)| 200 Seaport Boulevard | Seapo When I first saw that in the renders, I thought it was a cross-section and wished that they would actually put up an all-glass facade because it looked so open and inviting. Glad to know they are actually...
  3. reverend_paco

    L Street Station Redevelopment (née Old Edison Plant)| 776 Summer Street | South Boston

    I think this is a very nice change to what was there before. Here is a before and after of the massing. You can see that they have broken up Block G/E to create more space to the waterfront and an inner courtyard next to Elkins St. They also keep (I think) the original 1898 building (labeled...
  4. reverend_paco

    EXP | 795 Columbus Avenue | Northeastern University

    I like what they are doing with the multi-leveled landscape. In this diagram you can see that there's an entrance to the building (labeled 'Level One Connector') under the berm surrounding the EXP on it's northeast side.
  5. reverend_paco

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    From the South End FB group:
  6. reverend_paco

    Lyra (née The Huntington) | 252/258/264 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

    Walking by this morning I saw a geo rig on site.
  7. reverend_paco

    Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

    I don't think I've seen this here before. Looks like a significant amount of new construction and some expansion.
  8. reverend_paco

    Marriott Moxy Hotel | 240 Tremont Street (Parcel P-7A) | Theater District

    This is actually another one of Odurandina's lists. I'm pretty sure I see a comment about woeful underuse on line 3.
  9. reverend_paco

    Lyra (née The Huntington) | 252/258/264 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

    This project is delayed a bit as they file for a minor update to add 2 floors with the exact same height. New plan to start construction: Q4 2019
  10. reverend_paco

    Northeastern University - Institutional Master Plan

    I honestly don't think they had the room to bring it down. I have not done the trigonometry nor am I an engineer, but considering its width and the height it needed to clear the service road, it would have had to stretch another 30 feet (at least) to make it to ground level. The paths there...
  11. reverend_paco

    Northeastern University - Institutional Master Plan

    No. No ramp. They didn't want me biking through. :|
  12. reverend_paco

    SUPERCEDED MXD | Kendall Square

    It's actually GoLang.
  13. reverend_paco

    Foundation Medicine (Parcel P) | 400 Summer Street | Seaport

    Here's the render: and what it looks like today and, for fun, where it is in the 1903 map of the seaport:
  14. reverend_paco

    Foundation Medicine (Parcel P) | 400 Summer Street | Seaport

    New BCDC presentation on the parcel Doesn't look like too much change, which is good, because I think this is one sexy design.
  15. reverend_paco

    Northeastern University - Institutional Master Plan

    Here's a sneak peek at the ISEC 2 I found on payette's website The red-glowing kidney is the existing building and the other one is ISEC phase 2. The IMP mentioned going as high as 14 floors, so the top one seems closer to that. But in both there's an aesthetic that keeps with the existing...
