Search results

  1. reverend_paco

    Alexandra Hotel Renovation | 1769 Washington St | Roxbury

    Re: Alexandra Hotel Renovation | 1769 Washington St | South End
  2. reverend_paco

    10 World Trade | BGI Office Tower (Massport Parcel A2) | Seaport

    For fun I have analyzed this render to see where it would be. It turns out, that they are doing some "weird-ass" stuff to make this rendering. First take a look at roughly where this render would be: Now take a look at the red rectangle I've highlighted as compared to the green: Which when...
  3. reverend_paco

    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    there's a banker and tradesman article (which i cannot access nor post) that indicates that demo will start early 2019
  4. reverend_paco

    Alexandra Hotel Renovation | 1769 Washington St | Roxbury

    Re: Alexandra Hotel Renovation | 1769 Washington St | South End Looks like a proposal is imminent.
  5. reverend_paco

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    I had no idea there already was a pedestrian tunnel to that side. Would be lovely to open that up.
  6. reverend_paco

    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    Seconded. This is bold. Love it.
  7. reverend_paco

    Lowell Infill and Small Developments

    Re: Lowell 2015 update More of the Thorndike Exchange: It looks like the basement for the office portion of the development:
  8. reverend_paco

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Anyone know what became of the old tunnel?
  9. reverend_paco

    Amazon HQ2 selected - and not Boston

    This is how I feel too. The only thing I thought would be bad about Amazon being here is that they might have pushed to roll-back Massachussets' nascent efforts to remove non-competes. There was a received wisdom that the reason we kept the non-competes over all these years was that, despite...
  10. reverend_paco

    Quaker Lane + Congress Square | Downtown

    The lane isn't lost. It's still there, and now receiving some activation.
  11. reverend_paco

    Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

    I appreciate your performance art as a critique of our current climate of drive-by blanket posting. Seems like every day I log into archboston to see 10 new activated threads all by same poster/posters which that all roughly the same value of a "I still hate this guys." I think the parallel...
  12. reverend_paco

    Harbor Garage Redevelopment Pontificating | Waterfront

    Don't worry. Odurandina will start another one.
  13. reverend_paco

    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    They had several options, and the 4th seems to be closer to what you're talking about:
  14. reverend_paco

    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    The Viola is back. The developers are pushing for revisions to the original design that allow a larger FAR (i.e. more SF). Here's the money shot of the proposed new height. There's a lot of good stuff in this PDF.
  15. reverend_paco

    Fort Point Infill and Small Developments

    That lot must be this: as this is almost exactly 6.5 acres. to try your own: Area Finder
