Search results

  1. P

    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    Good gods she is beautiful! I really can't wait to see what her coiffure looks like in person.
  2. P

    30 Dalton St. Residences | Back Bay

    I had no idea this was so far along. I am so happy!
  3. P

    Boston Properties Office Tower | 888 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    It's sad that this is going to be so short.
  4. P

    171 Tremont Street | Downtown

    I just can not believe how they chop it down because of shadows. this needs to be at least 2 times the height and 30 % thicker. I know it is a narrow space.
  5. P

    Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

    Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton The Cs in Brighton? I'm down. I can only imagine how traffic will change after this is all open.
  6. P

    City Hall Discussion - Redevelopment - Preservation - Relocation

    ^^^ Comparing Boston with San Francisco is almost as silly as comparing Boston with New York. There was no comparison to San Francisco. We have Old City Hall which is a HELL OF A LOT BETTER than the monstrosity that we currently call our *gag* City....nope, can't finish it. I just can't. The...
  7. P

    City Hall Discussion - Redevelopment - Preservation - Relocation

    I know this is an old post, but it still is relevant, can't we get rid of the current city hall and then just move back to the old city hall building?
  8. P

    One Harbor Shore Dr. | Fan Pier Parcel H | 1 Harbor Shore Drive | Seaport

    Thar made me laugh out loud in my office, good job! LOL!
  9. P

    AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

    I really wish they would put LEDs up the entire building front, from the entry to the cornice.
  10. P

    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    It feels absolutely mammoth at ground level. It feels like you are walking out into a very new city.
  11. P

    The Benjamin & VIA (née One Seaport Square) | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

    Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport I also noticed that they are doing a pad foundation, is that because of this land being fill?
  12. P

    Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

    Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton I really have to get pictures of this complex as I live a block away now.
  13. P

    City Hall Plaza

    How about a three-season open air bar? Similar to this!!
  14. P

    Seaport Square (Formerly McCourt Seaport Parcels)

    Maybe we can do a forum meet and greet when it opens.
  15. P

    121 Seaport Boulevard | Parcel L2 | Seaport Square

    Re: 121 Seaport Boulevard | Seaport Square Why such a large podium (area wise) for a ~17 st. building?
  16. P

    The Eddy | 6 New Street | East Boston

    Re: New Street, East Boston multi-use project Why did they bother stripping the building if they were just going to knock it down? Seems like a waste of time to me.
  17. P

    Watermark Seaport | 85 Seaport Blvd - Parcel K | Seaport

    Re: Watermark Seaport (parcel K Seaport Sq.)/85 Seaport Blvd @ Seaport Sq./Seaport I hope that the crown doesn't look like some Kentucky Derby hat.
  18. P

    Waterside Place 1A | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

    Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport Is this part of Phase II?! I would take 1,000,000,000,000,000 shopping malls in suburbia over this piece of absolute shite!!
  19. P

    Waterside Place 1A | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

    Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport bump
