Search results

  1. P

    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    I don't know if anyone had posted this, but I just found it. :)
  2. P

    171 Tremont Street | Downtown

    Re: 171 Tremont Street How much space in between the buildings is for 171 Tremont, I wonder.
  3. P

    AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

    Soon enough that lens will have to be pulled back to accommodate for MT. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  4. P

    One Greenway (Parcel 24) | 0 Kneeland Street | Chinatown

    I am right there with you with that sentiment.
  5. P

    Waterside Place 1A | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

    Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport Gods, this pig desperately needs some lipstick and a wig.
  6. P

    Fort Point Infill and Small Developments

    I was thinking...hmm who is the realest in trial, Boston Wharf Company. Lol!
  7. P

    Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

    The lights on 1 MPD are blue normally, but before the "Holiday" lights replaced it there was some dancing lights on the top of the building that actually looked kind of cool. As far as the purple on Vertex, they are slacking because some of the bulbs on the light strips have gone out looking tacky.
  8. P

    Goodwin Procter HQ @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave - Parcel I | Seaport

    Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport This is going to just blend into the Seaport. On to the next project.
  9. P

    Seaport Square (Formerly McCourt Seaport Parcels)

    Look at what I got today. :)
  10. P

    101 Seaport Blvd (PwC) | Parcel L1@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

    I had to snap this on my coffee break at work.
  11. P

    45 Worthington Street | 6 (née 35) stories, 141 (née 385) units | Mission Hill

    I like the cluster that is forming around that area. And with more residents moving to an area that has no more room to move outward the only reality is that you have to go up. I think that 35-stories is definitely appropriate for this area. I am praying that they do not VE'd this to death. We...
  12. P

    Goodwin Procter HQ @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave - Parcel I | Seaport

    Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport Thanks for that.
  13. P

    Goodwin Procter HQ @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave - Parcel I | Seaport

    Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport So I wonder what the purpose of the half elevator door is for on floor 10. Can anyone shed some light on it?
  14. P

    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    While I think that all of these proposals largely are just wasting valuable space, the second proposal is probably the best. I would rather see two really interesting buildings at that corner.
  15. P

    Hook Wharf | 400 Atlantic Ave | Downtown

    I am having a hard time imagining that this sites floor area is 20,000 sq. ft. This will be an awesome building to watch rise next door.
  16. P

    Fenway Infill and Small Developments

    Is anyone able to go to this? I have work in the morning or I would go to this.
  17. P

    AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

    I am absolutely in love with this building. On a side note, I wonder if they could use the edges of the building to use lighting all the way up to the top and have an interestingly lit crown.
  18. P

    Boylston West @ Fenway Triangle (Van Ness) | 1325 Boylston Street | Fenway

    Re: Boylston West @ Fenway Triangle (Goodyear Tire) | 1325 Boylston Street | Fenway Wow, just wow.
  19. P

    Fenway Infill and Small Developments

    That is a joke right? Right??
