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  1. P

    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    This is going to be one sexy lady!
  2. P

    Assembly Square Infill and Small Developments | Somerville

    Thank you very much KJ. I was wondering what the work they were doing was for.
  3. P

    Assembly Square Infill and Small Developments | Somerville

    Not to take away from this at all, but does anyone know where the new Beer Garden is going to be? I am having trouble placing it.
  4. P

    Seaport Neighborhood - Infill and Discussion

    Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport Has anyone noticed the dancing lights on Marina Park Drive?
  5. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) Book everyone of them an all expenses paid trip to a deserted island with no return flight. That's legal right? ;)
  6. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) I think that getting those heights on the Greenway/waterfront are never going to happen, at least in my lifetime. It is however nice to dream, but the reality is that A) this is Boston B) they will probably be knocked down to a 400'/500' height...
  7. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) I really liked that presentation, but do not see how this will really negatively impact the existing HTs.
  8. P

    Renovations to BPL's Johnson Wing | Back Bay

    Re: Menino plans renovations to BPL's Johnson Wing I wish that this had some additional floors added to the top of it with a cultural/interactive area (more than the maps room).
  9. P

    Seaport Neighborhood - Infill and Discussion

    Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport I think that they should cut out the left lanes on both sides and place something really cool to act as a "welcome" to Seaport and the rest of south of the city.
  10. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) I will try to actually get into the room. I was just on a time crunch and wasn't able to deal with security and all that in time.
  11. P

    Twenty Two Liberty @ Fan Pier | 22 Liberty Drive - Parcel C | Seaport

    Re: Twenty Two Liberty @ Fan Pier | 22 Liberty Drive | Seaport It almost looks Sapphire-esque, I am really digging it.
  12. P

    101 Seaport Blvd (PwC) | Parcel L1@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

    Sorry to temporarily derail the thread, but in the second image, what is the development to the immediate right?
  13. P

    AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

    I am obsessed with this building, even with the 80's-ish office tower piece on it.
  14. P

    The Benjamin & VIA (née One Seaport Square) | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

    Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport Not that I can recall. Edit: I just looked out the window and saw that it was staging for construction equipment.
  15. P

    The Benjamin & VIA (née One Seaport Square) | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

    Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport "The 250,000 square feet of retail space in the development will be anchored by a Showplace Icon movie theater, a Kings bowling alley and entertainment complex, and an Equinox fitness center. Those tenants were announced at a...
  16. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) Here is what I found at lunch. :)
  17. P

    The Benjamin & VIA (née One Seaport Square) | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

    Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport Those comments are hysterical! What they do not realize is that if they walk out the front door there are not one, but two Silver Line stops in front of them as well as downtown being a 1.5 minute walk over the bridge.
  18. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) I work next to IP and in the lobby next to Starbucks there is a model of the financial district with the towers in it. I will try to get a photo at lunch.
  19. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) HT residents are the reason that we can't have nice things. Can't they just remember that they live in a major city and not the suburbs? If they are worried about the views, the views will only be enhanced by the presence of the new towers in...
