Search results

  1. H

    St. Francis House | 19-story mixed-income tower | Lagrange Street | Chinatown

    Re: St. Francis House wants to build 19-story mixed-income tower on Lagrange Street i 129 units, 130k square feet of space on a small 8500 square feet lot, Should actually be a really skinny, fairly dense tower if approved and financed. I do question why they cant add more units but I guess a...
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    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    "So essentially we are retaining a hole in the urban fabric that will never be filled, on top of eliminating 2/3 of the originally proposed units? I still love the look of the tower, but maybe the city should go ahead and reject this proposal. Then they can try again after the election, bringing...
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    Circle Cinema Redevelopment | Cleveland Circle | Brighton

    This looks like it's actually one of the best new developments in the area. Contextual in materials and traditionally urban in massing. On par with the stuff they are building in Malden. Idk why the peripheral developments are so good, but the high profile central Boston developments are...
  4. H

    401 Park Drive (née Landmark Center) | Fenway

    Re: Landmark Center Expansion | Fenway Although I HATE the change of plan, I LOVE the architecture. Admittedly you don't have to do much to rise above the very very low bar for architecture in this hood. They didn't use any more expensive materials, but at least they ditched the...
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    Echelon Seaport | 133-135 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

    Re: Seaport Parcels M1-M2 | Seaport Sq. | Seaport I rarely feel this way, but, this looks unequivocally awesome
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    88 Seaport Blvd | Seaport Square Parcel D | Seaport

    Re: Office Tower | Seaport Square Parcel D | Seaport gimmick≠good
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    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    They should have gone for the more traditional design. Architecture is generally more beautiful in context. What I noticed when I was in Italy is that a consistent architectural language and repetitive massing make a beautiful city. The Italians have been building in the same style for...
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    Lynnport (Former GE Gear Plant) | Lynn

    "Pending Financing" Unfortunately, financing seems to be the primary challenge to Lynn developments. Quite a few have been permitted over the years. But I think one big one is all Lynn needs to turn itself around. Lynn has everything to be hot except momentum.
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    Complex on Townsend Street in Roxbury

    Same thing with pic on bldup:
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    Complex on Townsend Street in Roxbury

    322 unit apt proposal.
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    Proposals slowing down

    I have noticed the slow down too. Banker and Tradesman reported that while apt rents are still overall up, certain categories are falling. Specifically small apartments in older buildings. This is good. It is an indication that all the new construction is working - it is pulling young...
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    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    1400 units of housing 1.7 million square feet office
  13. H

    Letting Working Families Build Homes

    bakgwailo, agreed, should allow 2s and 3s. Maybe this proposal would not work on costs. It would probably have to go hand in hand with a program to identify and mass manufacture several housing models. Have been looking into containerized housing a lot lately and this can be very cheap. In...
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    Letting Working Families Build Homes

    The Urban Homestead Act This is my idea for an initiative petition to allow the smart growth we always talk about by channeling the wave of middle class angst Summary The Urban Homestead creates a gap in zoning restrictions to allow middle class families to build housing for themselves in the...
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    Chinatown - Progress or Gentrification?

    My goal is greater urban density. But replacing an SRO where very poor people live, with a hotel or luxury housing will actually reduce density. Even if the physical building is much bigger. Further I do think diversity and character has value. Id be ok with maximum unit sizes per bedroom...
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    ‎A Better Cambridge‎ to ABC Greater Boston YIMBY Meet-Up

    From Cambridge to Roslindale, Newton to Jamaica Plain, and points in between and far, residents are coming together to say YES In My Back Yard to more housing and sustainable development to address the housing affordability crisis in our region. This month ABC is devoting its regular Strictly...
  17. H

    Malden + Melrose Infill and Small Developments

    whighlander hmm, I remember hearing about that from back in the day . . . but that it kinda fizzled. Rivers Edge seems like more of an older suburban style apartment complex. The park is very pretty though, and I guess we have to welcome all new somewhat dense housing . . . FK4 The stone...
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    61-83 Braintree St | Brighton

    Re: 61-83 Braintree st | Brighton In my mind this is actually a pretty big deal that this is the first large modular construction project in the Boston area. (That I have noticed). If the city is to produce a large amount of middle class housing amid a sky high construction costs, Modular...
  19. H

    Malden + Melrose Infill and Small Developments

    Long time lurker, took some pictures from Malden Center and one from the little noticed but large "Rivers Edge" development going toward Wellington. Not sure why Malden is able to get development that looks urban and contextual, and the high profile projects in Boston are so awkward and random.
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    GrandMarc Residence Hall (YMCA) @ Northeastern U | 291 St. Botolph Street | Fenway

    Re: YMCA/ Northeastern Dorm (formerly GrandMarc at St. Botolph) Hey guys. I follow this site a lot built don?t usually post. I am totally anti-nimbi, pro development, but I wanted to try to provide insight as to why the YMCA evokes a lot of emotion. I used to be a member there and I have...
