Search results

  1. R

    Everett Transportation (SL3 extension, potential OLX/GLX, Sweetser Circle infill station)

    So, the Orange Line does a whole lot of nothing between Assembly and Malden Center. After stopping at Wellington -- a park-n-ride with some nearby TOD, though not very much in walking distance -- it runs non-stop for 1.7 miles, one of the longest gaps between stations in the entire system...
  2. R

    Transit Planning $h!tposting (Ideas so bad, they're good)

    (I'd understand if one of the mods wants to change the title of this thread.) This is a thread for transit planning ideas that are so bad, they're good amazing. This is not a thread for actually criticizing proposals. This is also not a thread for trashing ideas that someone has proposed in...
  3. R

    Kennedy Plaza Redesign & RIPTA Multi-Hub Proposal | Providence

    I don't think this has been discussed in the other threads, and it seems "interdisciplinary" enough to merit its own thread. Feel free to move if not. RIDOT and RIPTA have proposed (once again) a redesign of Kennedy Plaza, this time including developing two new satellite hubs at the train...
  4. R

    MBTA Map Contest Finalists

    It's not exactly architecture or urban planning, but I think these will be of interest to many people here. The MBTA has posted the finalists for its map redesign contest (which Cameron Booth criticized vehemently when it was announced). I'm quite sympathetic to Mr. Booth's views, but the fact...
  5. R

    Street Maps of Boston circa 1910

    Hi everyone, Hope this is the right place to post this question. Mods, please feel free to move. I'm working on a project at work constructing maps using old census data. Right now, I'm working on Boston in 1910. Due to the nature of the project, we are very reliant on contemporary resources...
