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  1. S

    Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

    i can't believe there is no info on the ceramics building going up at barry's corner. ill try and get a picture.
  2. S

    Harvard - Allston Campus

    i am. maybe some photos to follow. and as for swiss baker, i have a letter from the president of harvard saying the property would be up and running fall 2011.
  3. S

    Novartis Campus | 181-211 Mass Ave, 22 Windsor Street | Kendall Square | Cambridge

    Re: Novartis Expansion slightly fascinating.
  4. S

    Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part IV (2011)

    from fort point channel. stuart & tremont.
  5. S

    Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

    I live right by the park and went over today. had to escape to heat of my ancient tripple decker and paid a visit to the lion pit. a lot more greens have grown in already and there was not a soul in the park. which quite frankly I enjoyed. and the lion pit was perfect.
  6. S

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    ^ wonder with enough time [and money] could they do something with both lots that would be of greater value
  7. S

    Tree House Residence Hall Tower @ MassArt | 578 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

    Re: Mass Art Dormitory ^ Is that (parking)lot staying the same? ...
