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  1. NR2Portland

    General Portland Discussion

    There has been a lot of skyline and growth conversations recently with a lot of recent positive development news! I wanted to float this idea by you all. Obviously a far-fetched idea but after watching a video on “urban interchanges” taking up a lot of acreage in densely populated areas, my mind...
  2. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    JetBlue’s decision to bring back MCO-PWM has certainly been a success. All flights I’ve seen to and from MCO have been 90%+ filled. This is for tomorrows flight from Portland to Orlando.
  3. NR2Portland

    Kennebec Block

    I’m a couple hours late to this party but my goodness, we are so lucky to have Redfern. Enough said.
  4. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Can’t take away 200 spots, when parking is already always filled up, to build the garage expansion. Like it or not, they need to add the 268 or so surface spaces to make up for the spaces lost in the parking garage expansion construction process which would follow close after the surface parking...
  5. NR2Portland

    General Portland Discussion

    Nickelodeon/Temple Street Garage at 325… a 25-30 story building there would truly make the downtown feel close to complete!! What a change in feel that would be. Then add a couple 15-20 story buildings to the east of City Hall and you’re talkin!
  6. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Like I said… Death, Taxes, and airlines dropping MHT😂 Two years ago, Spirit, this year Sun Country, next year we will see United… wow
  7. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Delta apparently outsourced a ton of their work overseas so it’s been a process getting numbers for the Jetport recently.
  8. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    They still haven’t uploaded Delta numbers. Give it a week and that will be updated to another record month.
  9. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Looking at it on Google earth, and measuring it out, I certainly think there is room to level 400 feet each way and pave to get the primary runway to 8,000 feet! Unless there are restrictions/rules I’m not aware of.
  10. NR2Portland

    Portland, ME - The Existing Environment

    Recently, from locals or in the news, we have seen stories about recent closures or struggling business in and around Portland. There was that week or two a few weeks ago where we saw Slab, Local 188, Ananias, and another one or two close. People were in an uproar because all they’ve been seeing...
  11. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    I think we may be getting extreme. All I argue is that federal and state funding should be more reflective of the impact the airport is having on the community/region. Looking at the AIP grants in the state of Maine… in 2022 Portland got a nice 11M while PQI for 8M. 2023, PWM 3M, PQI 1M, BGR...
  12. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    54 million for 100 people per day… good for them! Can’t say it’s a bad move with what I have been preaching (build it, they will come). Would be great for PWM to get some much deserved federal or state funds considering they have had 5-6 record months in a row… just seems logical with the...
  13. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Death, taxes, and at least one airline leaving MHT per year! 🤣 it was Spirit that announced in 23, Sun Country 3 months after its first flight this year (2024), what will it be in 25??
  14. NR2Portland

    Portland Square Redevelopment | Portland

    This is a pretty awful sight. Re-paving a massive downtown parking lot that is hopefully going to be zoned for a building of 325 feet… when I saw the vehicles I was hoping it was some type of site work for a building!
  15. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Yes!!! This has been my message in here for years!😂 The city and Jetport must have never seen the Field of Dreams!!
  16. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Death, taxes, and airlines dropping MHT shortly after adding service.😂 Rumor has it that breeze is next.
  17. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Just pull the terminal all the way down to Gate 14!!😂 might as well go all out right?! Someday.
  18. NR2Portland

    My Top 10 cities of Northern New England

    After spending my college years in Burlington I would certainly not put it two… or top 5. But that’s just an opinion haha! It’s tough to compete with Portland for sure. I won’t ramble on, but it certainly isn’t what it used to be and certainly isn’t the foliage paradise that the social media...
  19. NR2Portland

    Potential Soccer Stadium | Portland peninsula

    Thanks for the feedback and details guys! I’m doing a deeper dive and a presentation that I am working on that I’ll have to share when it’s complete. Would love to send in an opinion piece backed up with tons of data! I truly think there can be a lot done to keep drawing great numbers!
