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  1. E

    If you designed a metro/subway for Worcester, MA how would it look?

    But whenever talking about Worcester transit, it must be repeated that Providence should get it first. Not only does Providence have a metro population nearby twice that of Worcester, but it also has 20 NE Corridor trains. Even if we assume Providence would not get any more trains than Worcester...
  2. E

    If you designed a metro/subway for Worcester, MA how would it look?

    Yeah unfortunately I would have to agree that "there is no there there" right now, on creating a metro system for Worcester. Technically, yes, Worcester is the second-largest city in New England. However, what's more important is that the population of the Worcester metro area is around 0.9M...
  3. E

    If You Were God/Goddess | Transit & Infrastructure Sandbox

    Love the concept of this God Mode sandbox for transportation! I might go into more detail on specific portions of this another time, but for now I’d like to sketch out a vision for completely re-imagining transportation in the Greater Boston area. I’m defining this as everything in the 128 belt...
  4. E

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    Are there streets around Boston that are wide enough to support elevated rail, and which have the location and orientation that could help provide urban-ring-esque service? I'm thinking either Miami People Mover style, if it's a short distance. Or Vancouver Skytrain style for medium distance...
  5. E

    Reasonable Transit Pitches

    Thanks for the good ideas! I updated the route to use the 238 path east of the park, and added the 240 bus to the list of connections. Agreed on Mattapan. It makes the route significantly longer but it's worth it to connect that underserved neighborhood to the Blue Hills. And I actually did...
  6. E

    Reasonable Transit Pitches

    So my pitch is for a new seasonal transit service that would make it easier for people in the Boston area to swim, hike, and fish without needing a car: the Blue Hills Explorer! It would be a bus or shuttle service that operates half of the year (May-October). You would run a handful of vehicles...
