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  1. S

    2025 Boston Mayoral Race

    Kraft will need much, much more than the anti-bike lane vote to get traction. Mostly, I'm surprised that the largely anodyne Wu, with the cops behind her, a good 'right track' number etc., is below fifty per cent.
  2. S

    2025 Boston Mayoral Race

    Kraft down 14 points to Wu at the outset of the campaign seems like... a pretty good result for Kraft.
  3. S

    Franklin Park - White Stadium Renovation

    The poll suggests the White Stadium renovation is significantly more popular than Wu herself.
  4. S

    Ode to Brutalism

    I'm going to see the MET show this morning. I lived a stone's throw away from Rudolph's A&A Building (as it was then known) at Yale for a few years and loved its juxtaposition with Kahn's great Art Gallery building across the street.
  5. S

    2025 Boston Mayoral Race

    To make herself politically vulnerable, Wu would have had to have made major mistakes or alienated sizable constituencies. Despite having had her share of stumbles, Wu's avoided this. I don't see Kraft's path to unseating her.
