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    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    For that to have happened they would have needed to add another 1-2 floors to the existing building.
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    Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

    The infill of Allston / Brighton over the last decade must rival any of neighborhood in the city — perhaps because there are many more opportunities there to actually redevelop. Whatever the reason may be, it is impressive to behold.
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    Boston University - Pardee School of Global studies | 250 Bay State Road | Fenway

    That building is set to make way for an expanded mall / lawn area in the longer range IMP. The School of Social Work would need to be relocated first which I suspect may end up in the buildings vacated by the existing Pardee School who are spread out among Bay State Rd buildings.
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    Boston University - Pardee School of Global studies | 250 Bay State Road | Fenway

    The relatively small footprint of the building and the conversion of the parking lot to the lawn in the central campus area is a huge plus. I like what I'm seeing.
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    Bridgeport, CT

    Drove through Bridgeport on a Saturday morning and the only person to speak of was a gentleman at the crosswalk wearing a vest that said “Downtown Ambassador.” He seemed genuinely intrigued as to why I was there.
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    South Norwalk - General Photos , Projects & Construction

    Is there a restoration plan in place, if so can you share a link?
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    South Norwalk - General Photos , Projects & Construction

    I’ve been spending a lot of time recently in Norwalk and have really come to appreciate their aggressive approach to infill and increasing density. It shares some historical similarities to other NE industrial cities but seems to have eclipsed them.
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    New-build classical architecture (evoking old styles)

    Arlington and Alexandria seem to have struck the right level of urbanism along with Bethesda, MD. It seems like the rest of the DMV towns struggle with a hodgepodge of new urbanism and altogether suburban sprawl.
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    Daytona International Speedway

    On a somewhat related note, I was quite impressed by some of the more historic areas of Daytona and Daytona Beach -- plenty of points of interest and a decently preserved architectural heritage. I haven't been there in over a decade though I remember seeing a few inner city construction and...
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    New-build classical architecture (evoking old styles)

    ^The “modern” building on the right ruins the block - what a shame!
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    Key West, FL

    The cruise industry really ruined the delightfully rundown and less touristy feel of most parts of Key West. Is it worth a visit? Yes. There are still other keys that retain some of the pre-cruise charm, around the Islamorada areas, although they do not really have the urban layout of Key West.
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    Holocaust Museum Boston | 125 Tremont Street | Downtown

    I actually love how the space opens up now with the alleyway behind it. Too bad it's not remaining as is with a great park and dining.
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    Boston University - Warren Towers Renovation | 700 Commonwealth Avenue | Fenway

    BU houses mostly grad students at Fenway. They’ll be taking those beds to make up for Warren towers.
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    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Great pictures! The transition from the arches to the “modern” section is really jarring to me. Is that the final treatment of the facade at the tower base?
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    BU Data Sciences Center | 665 Commonwealth Avenue | BU Central

    ^This. The BU culture persists from, believe it, the Silber Administration which was positively authoritarian about campus access. It’s marginally improved since then and mostly by way of protest. As REM once said: “don’t get caught in Warren Towers”
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    Other People's Rail: Amtrak, commuter rail, rapid transit news & views outside New England

    Hopeful this facilitates Acela expansion from DC to Richmond, and eventually to Charlotte.
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    Other People's Rail: Amtrak, commuter rail, rapid transit news & views outside New England

    Not to be coy — the SMART app is extremely easy. Download — load funds — tap. Those evading fares in DC do not tend to be visitors. That being said, over the last 1-2 years DC installed new saloon-style faregates at all stations -- evading fares is not easy anymore (though I see it from those...
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    Other People's Rail: Amtrak, commuter rail, rapid transit news & views outside New England

    The long delayed 2.3 billion Long Bridge expansion project across the Potomac had its ceremonial groundbreaking today. Expected completion 2030. This expansion will separate passenger and freight services currently sharing tracks on the existing Long Bridge. There will also be a new...
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    Other People's Rail: Amtrak, commuter rail, rapid transit news & views outside New England

    The DC Metro security presence significantly increased year over year and to noticeable improvement, not only for fare evaders (which was quite literally a "running" joke on the Metro) but for crime prevention. I can't speak to actual statistics, only to personal experience as a regular Metro...
