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  1. H

    Quincy Center Redevelopment

    A "Park"? If anything, that locations was begging for an ambitious development matching the adjacent building's height at minimum.... is it perhaps a deal made in order to attempt the more ambitious plan..? (getting rid of the entire block for a brand new development ala North Quincy's The Abby)
  2. H

    Quincy Center Redevelopment

    The 126 Granite street project will definitely be a truly nice upgrade to Quincy Center. (y)
  3. H

    Kendall Common Parcel C1 (née Volpe Center) | 25 Broadway | Kendall Square | Cambridge

    So the "crack/fracture" around a quarter of the building's height is the Go-To feature nowadays... :unsure:
  4. H

    88 Seaport Blvd | Seaport Square Parcel D | Seaport

    because why lose such profitable square footage in terraces & open spaces with landscape, right? - also the facade's glazing pattern/configuration is different.......
  5. H

    88 Seaport Blvd | Seaport Square Parcel D | Seaport

    So seems like the design has been "dumbed down"..? whatever...
  6. H

    Newton Infill and Small Developments

    I'm surprised by the approval of such massive project, given how Newton is quite "conservative" about preserving identity & cohesiveness. I guess all that goes away when the promise of "property tax collection" appears quite attractive to the city coffers...
  7. H

    Holocaust Museum Boston | 125 Tremont Street | Downtown

    So, some Renzo Piano Knock-up abomination is the new way to design Museum buildings in Boston ......... Why? Just call him up and have him doing it proper FGS.....
  8. H

    Norwood infill and small developments

    quite familiar with the area since I've done projects nearby. I welcome it
  9. H

    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    As some folks already mentioned, I gather in saying there is no value in preserving those Tanks at all, just for the sake of imitating/applying a solution done overseas that provably had different historic context. My main concern is all about the site CLEAN UP & PREP for the new use, given its...
  10. H

    Everett Waterfront Redevelopment | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    Multi-family blocks with retail at the street level can be combined to create more dynamic residential areas ( 5 to 1 ratio) The only rationale for having such large areas for High-tech & Labs use is based on having a very large corporation already on board-otherwise seems extreme &...
  11. H

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    extremely wealthy investors that happen to have ownership in other sports & entertainment capital ventures get to build those stadiums for their own private benefits by LEASING THEM for other venues, IOW those stand-alone soccer specific structures aren't soccer-specific that much ;) BTW...
  12. H

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Nowadays Stadium infrastructure cannot survive as isolated islands or "white elephant monuments"- either those structures are meant to be designed for multi-purpose venues that can be used all year round, or have additional commercial, assembly, even residential (hotel) components incorporated...
  13. H

    Lab Building (née Hotel Hampshire) | 34-40 Hampshire St. | Cambridge

    Can't help but thinking what kind of "science" is going to be practiced inside that building, when its street level resembles a military installation or a bunker. :rolleyes:
  14. H

    Quincy General Developments

    that's solving "half of the problem" since the other traffic bottleneck happens a few yards away when Willard St. meets the rotary.....
  15. H

    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    my thoughts exactly. Not to diminish the potential of the development, which could be equal to Seaport in scale, but is worth questioning what's behind the selling/abandonment of energy infrastructure of that size, under the current circumstances with Oil prices & Oil reserves under enormous...
  16. H

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    but before it was a bridge with a bus stop - IOW it was an infrastructure element with a horrible bus stop location- granted it was awful- but because the void is now filled with two insipid towers and a pseudo plaza does it make it "better"? I'm not against the development at all, since I was...
  17. H

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    I walked by the area few days ago and kept thinking how such project got approved in the first place from the aesthetic & urbanistic POV.... 🤷‍♂️ those towers are completely disconnected from the existing blocks in similar height, character & proportions.. they're literally two white masts...
  18. H

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Well, since the World Cup is happening in the USA in 2026, maybe is not such a bad idea to construct a football soccer stadium. Chelsea is the spot
  19. H

    Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial | Boston Common | Downtown

    there is an abysmal difference between the Vietnam Memorial & this MLK statue, since one does NOT have clear figurative human biological reference of sexual organs in display. compare apples to apples i.e Vietnam Memorial vs Berlin's memorial of the murdered Jews of Europe
