The affordable housing law needs to be scrapped as well. It benefits a chosen few and does more to limit development for everyone else, which raises housing costs across the board. A typical case of a well meaning law which accomplishes the opposite of the desired effect.
Make bad decisions in life? Tough shit, deal with your own self created problems and stay the hell away from my wallet.
Those 'jobs' in government agencies holding coats and not showing up 364 days a year cost a great deal of REAL JOBS being created in the private sector due to the punitive taxation needed to support them.
How would you replace that revenue?
The hope by cutting the sales tax is that the completely bloated state government will tighten their belts.
This kind of argument rests way too much on an ironic faith in government to make cuts where they probably should be made. The problems you really claim to want to address could be attacked directly. Merely cutting taxes only ensures unprotected programs get cut, regardless of their worth. Most of the "bloatedness" consists of special interests that get protected. Reform the budget first, then perform the cuts, if they can be made without serious sacrifices, and everyone goes home happy - except libertarian extremist ideologues who were making the "cut taxes = cut the bloat" argument in bad faith and people who think they don't rely on state services, when they're actually using our collapsing infrastructure, e.g., constantly.
Good call CZSZ...This kind of argument rests way too much on an ironic faith in government to make cuts where they probably should be made. The problems you really claim to want to address could be attacked directly. Merely cutting taxes only ensures unprotected programs get cut, regardless of their worth. Most of the "bloatedness" consists of special interests that get protected. Reform the budget first, then perform the cuts, if they can be made without serious sacrifices, and everyone goes home happy - except libertarian extremist ideologues who were making the "cut taxes = cut the bloat" argument in bad faith and people who think they don't rely on state services, when they're actually using our collapsing infrastructure, e.g., constantly.
Reform and cuts need to be done concurrently. The beast needs to be starved to keep from growing AND attacked with resolve to tame it.