The Indie | 35-45 Braintree Street | Allston


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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The next Lego block along the Pike:

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I find it really dumb that they built the one next door around the billboard.
Saw the proponent introduce this project at the Allston Civic Association a few months ago. I believe it's proposed within the city's compact living guidelines and conforms to the Guest Street planning study's height limits. So hopefully the approval process should speed up.

This project, along with Allston Square, Allston Green, and the Cambridge Street projects are really going to make the area adjacent to the Pike all the way to Boston Landing feel much more alive!
According to the 2010 census, Allston had 30,000 residents. I am wondering if anybody has a guess as to the current population and what we might be looking at in the future. Could Allstons pop double by 2040?
According to the 2010 census, Allston had 30,000 residents. I am wondering if anybody has a guess as to the current population and what we might be looking at in the future. Could Allstons pop double by 2040?
Cortes -- why talk 2040 ---
we don't even have the 2020 numbers yet. Is Alston at 35,000?
The entire world could change in 20 years. Alston with Neo-Harvard / Neo-Kendall developing successfully could zoom --- or not --- depending on a lot of factors -- pure speculation.
I would not want to live here, but one positive of all the new development along this stretch to and through Boston Landing is it creates a noise buffer of sorts from the Pike.
Obviously not amazing, but at least they just went with blue and white. Compared to some of the wacky colors going up in some other neighborhoods, it could be a lot worse.

That being said people are definitely right about the offset/staggered windows, shapes, and colors though. Its overplayed and it doesnt even look good so why overplay it? I can see overdoing something good, but here makes no sense why they keep doing it when it was never good to begin with.

Quick and dirty phone edit. I feel that with a simple 5 over 1 with fiber cement panels just keeping it plain and boring actually looks better than all of the splotchiness and staggeredness. Obviously this is not going to win any awards, but thats actually the point. A cheap 5 over 1 should try to blend in as much as possible and be boring. Making them stick out actually makes people hate them which is bad for adding more housing.



Even with a 5 over 1 the classical rules of proportionality still apply. Idk who decided that just because its cheap you should make it look hectic and erratic. It should be obvious that you should not do that… Toning down the “stick-out-edness” would actually be in their better interests imo as it would elicit less backlash from people saying that theyre plopping down eyesores in their community. Maybe I’m way off base idk, but it seems obvious.
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