40-50 Warren Street | Roxbury

stick n move

Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score

40-50 Warren Street​

“The Proposed Small Project Change will include approximately 35 homeownership units and approximately 2,300 sf of ground floor retail space. The residential component features 25 one-bedroom units and 10 two-bedroom units.” Bostonplans







-This used to be a “retail base” plus 2 floors of office in white and then 3 floors of residential above that in black. Its now residential above ground floor retail. I think this is a good change, we need more residential and have a glut of office/lab. It also doesnt really show up in the render up top but the new building is masonry. I think the classical shape and good materials will make this a solid addition.
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Massive downgrade. The initial proposal was actually designed. The new one is auto-generated developer-grade infill.
I think this is a good change, we need more residential and have a glut of office/lab. It also doesnt really show up in the render up top but the new building is masonry. I think the classical shape and good materials will make this a solid addition.
I agree, this is better. The original design tried to do too much, both with how the space would be used and with the mish mash of design elements. This will fit nicely with the masonry building already next door, but also works well with the newer buildings across the street. Total background building, but a nice one in my opinion.

40-50 Warren Street​

“The Proposed Small Project Change will include approximately 35 homeownership units and approximately 2,300 sf of ground floor retail space. The residential component features 25 one-bedroom units and 10 two-bedroom units.” Bostonplans

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-This used to be a “retail base” plus 2 floors of office in white and then 3 floors of residential above that in black. Its now residential above ground floor retail. I think this is a good change, we need more residential and have a glut of office/lab. It also doesnt really show up in the render up top but the new building is masonry. I think the classical shape and good materials will make this a solid addition.
The "masonry" looks like split faced CMU, the kind of material you see lining the bottom few feet of a suburban Target. Cheap dirt and it looks it. The "masonry" on the upper floors is just some tin rainscreen glued to plywood. Just another slapdash 5 over 1.
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I have to disagree with the majority on this update; I think this is a very disappointing downgrade. That corner (Warren/Ziegler) that featured the soaring overhang faces a pretty large open area in Dudley Station, I think something more dramatic was appropriate. Also when standing under the formerly proposed awning, you'd be looking towards a real gem in the Bolling Building....


I'd like to preemptively blunt a critique that this should be a background building because the architecture didn't meet the quality/ design of the Bolling, by saying that I'd welcome a public square/ area with multiple buildings of interest to look at; I just think this is a miss...
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Interesting, wonder how the economics work without the office space subsidizing the affordable units. Possible that 80-100% AMI homeownership units are close to pencilling in Roxbury these days (they have in the past).
