ArchBoston meetup revival?


Active Member
Nov 3, 2015
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Hey guys! I haven't been super active in this community in recent years, just drop in to lurk from time to time. I'm hanging out in Boston December 6-8 for an event on Saturday night, I wanted to spend the rest of that time exploring Boston and meeting new people. I figured the members of this community would be interested in similar things as me and wanted to know if any of you wanted to meet up on that Friday night for drinks.

I was thinking Drinks at the New Raffles Boston.

Other than that, we should revive the bigger more formal ArchBoston meetups that used to happen back in the day! I would come visit the city for that as long as I didn't have other plans scheduled!
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Is the intent of the meet-ups to be just a casual happy hour or more of YIMBY-type organizing? I'd be down for both, to be honest. I am looking to definitely get more involved in Boston housing policy.
Past experience says it's a casual happy hour at a loud bar kind of thing.
