Attn Boston: Pick up after your dog!


Active Member
Oct 10, 2009
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I can't tell you how many times I've stepped in dog shit since the New Year. I caught this JP bearded-hipster this week and yelled at him to clean up his dog's log. His lame excuse, "uuuuuuhhhh, ohhhh mannn....I didn't see that...Sorry!!" Dog shit spreads disease, smells bad, and I hate getting it off my shoes; so what options can a concerned citizen do to fight this?
If you catch the person in the act, try not reprimanding them, and instead politely noting that it's their responsibility to pick up their animal's shit. If you don't catch them, you can:

1. Pick it up yourself.

2. Leave a note.

3. Do nothing, but let the people walking behind you know about the obstacle.

4. Do nothing.

5. As a last resort, take a picture with that City iPhone App, and request service to be done. About 15 years and $1.5m in tax payer dollars later, the contaminated concrete will have been removed and a fresh layer will be put in it's place.
Options 2 and 5 are good ideas and I think could be effective on the WAR ON POO.
Option 5 is particularly useful because it opens the possibility of calling in the Staties. Call in the cavalry?
Or we could CCTV these fuckers.
What urks me even more is the people who don't keep there dog on a leash. Whenever i am walking my two dogs (i do pick up the poo! those who don't, give the rest of us a bad name) they are not friendly towards other dogs. When unleashed dogs run up to my dogs, i have to strangle my dogs back or risk a fight. I can't help that my dogs are mean to other dogs, they just have a pack mentality. I am also following the law.
