Boston: 5th Most Wired in America

Behind the non-city of Orlando? Ahead of San Francisco? I'm surprised on both counts.
All these Forbes lists somehow include a smattering of illogically ranked Sunbelt cities. I think it increases circulation or something.
Also, does 'Boston' mean 'city of Boston' or 'Boston metropolitan region' ?
Pretty sure it means 'city of Boston.' And all those sunbelt cities get on there because of the infrastructure. They have broadband access everywhere, and plus, Disney had a huge impact-it's almost all wifi now.
If all the old eastern cities had their sewer systems rebuilt and utilities located to the same uniformly built and documented standards as newer western cities, these comparisons would be fair.

It makes a big difference when there are giant underground tunnels with plenty of space for new pipes, wires, conduit, compared to a spaghetti patchwork. 20 Layers of asphalt, concrete, tarmac, 2-3 kinds of cobble/granite/limestone/bluestone, rubble, and then misc. soil intertwining the patchwork of utilities doesn't help either. Nor does having all the paperwork and drawings for all of that scattered in a hundred places in various formats.
Yeah, that basically sums it up. Imagine (totally completely hypothetical, not even a supposed situation) that the city dug up every street, completely bored an infrastructure of utility tunnels under them all, and repaved them in concrete with cobblestone/brick crosswalks? A 'Mega-Dig'? All new high-tech information infrastructure, easily accessed and upgraded. Plus, it would also provide access to the T, and possible expansion of the T system. The power of the human imagination, eh?
