Boston Herald


Active Member
Feb 18, 2007
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Does anybody read the comments on the site, I have never seen so many homophobic, racist, and disgusting comments that have been posted.
I don't understand what you are referring to here. Is this about the proposed relocation of the newspaper?
Well, this is in the General section so I assume it is just a 'general' observation about the Herald website. Fair enough.

Though, I don't know who would go to in hopes of finding well-rounded, thought-out, reasoned discourse.
^^ Hey! I'm a Herald reader. I'm just not a commentator, that's a completely different kettle of fish.
In fact, even users can be pretty scary.

Must be an internet thing.
Man, if you want scary, check out the imdb discussions. Your head will spin.
Does anybody read the comments on the site, I have never seen so many homophobic, racist, and disgusting comments that have been posted.

guess you've never heard a 19 year old and his xbox live playing halo with his buddies... thats some funny stuff.
I agree with the comment about Herald commenters - they are crazy. Actually, after you go four or five times, it becomes incredibly boring. Calling the Mayor "Mumbles" stops being funny, pretty quickly. Also, "Cadillac Deval".

Once in a while, though, the comments rise above. There was actually a really good thread going on in regard to the BC expansion plans. I was amazed!
Man, if you want scary, check out the imdb discussions. Your head will spin.

I can't read them. If the combination of pedophilia, general sex craziness ("you see _____'s boobs for 3 seconds!"), homophobia, racism, etc. don't scare you away, the complete misunderstanding and overly literal interpretations of bad movies will.

Someone once posted that 8 Crazy Nights was the best social commentary on the struggles of the Jewish-American ever produced. I nearly shit a brick. I haven't seen too many "social commentaries on Jewish-Americans," but if 8 Crazy Nights is the best, then the terrorists have won. That's just the tip of the iceberg. The over analyzing of every particular scene of B-rate, thoughtless movies makes me ill.

one example of the type of person you're dealing with on IMDB (discussing, "Get Smart"):

by bubski_612 (Tue Jul 1 2008 10:50:17)

THis movie was not funny, it was probably written by a 4th grader at recess full of inside jokes that only he and his mother would laugh at. I have an excellent sense of humor, hell - Love Guru was great! I wasn't even in a bad mood when I saw this movie and I currently actually get angry when I think of it, or when someone mentions it.
I confess. I read the Herald too. Ever since it was a broadsheet. Even read its spiritual predecessor, the Record American. Used to think the Herald had the better sports page until Mr. Tomase tried to get a (favorable) national reputation. The Herald seems to pick up on development news ahead of the Globe. And it used to be fun buying the first edition to cushion the inevitable 3:15 a.m fall down the steps of the Imperial Tea House.

Once had a winning case where the Globe interviewed me for an hour and a half, and then gave me 1 line on the first page of the Metro section. By contrast, I had a 15 second interview with a Herald reporter, but got all of the front page. And the Herald had a better grip on the story too.
Seems appropriate to post here:

Herald is returning to a broadsheet, unless I misunderstood what Mr Purcell said on Em Rooney's show ...
The Herald is more willing to criticize politicians and chase down legitimate stories that the Globe won't out of political correctness and party favoritism. However, the tabloid format, and the increasingly poor quality of the articles and editing, has seriously eroded the reputation of the paper. The Globe has been sliding down the tubes since the NYT bought them as well. I don't like the idea of the city becoming a one newspaper town, if one doesn't count the freebie neighborhood papers.
Wow, Jimbo. That is really bucking the trend away from newspapers. I might be mis-rogering here, but before it went tabloid, the Herald had barely enough material to fill its pages. The tabloid format was a good fit for the content and advertising it had at the time of the conversion.
The paper's strengths are sports and business. I hope it builds on these. But I have a sinking feeling that my parrot Harry is going to be switching toilet paper brands.
When I look at the Herald, I'm always asking myself, "That's front-page news?"
His direct quote was "The Herald will be the same size as the Wall Street Journal and Boston Globe."

I don't know what he meant by that. He couldn't have meant the press run, right?
I don't know but a broadsheet and a tabloid can be run on the same press with the same size roll of paper and is not hard to change the folder from one to the other. The biggest difference would be the direction the image faces on the plate which requires an adjustment to the software.
