BRA Meeting: Parcel 24, CHinatown


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
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Proposed Zoning Changes to Chinatown District Article 43 of the City of Boston Zoning Code Planned Development Areas and for Proposed Parcel 24 Redevelopment

Purpose of the Meeting:
The Boston Redevelopment Authority (?BRA?) will be hosting a public meeting to present the proposed map and text amendments to the Chinatown District, Article 43 of the City of Boston Zoning Code, and to Map 1C/1G/1N, Leather District and South Station EDA, Chinatown, Bay Village, Neighborhood Districts, to create a Residential Chinatown PDA Area II; to modify Section 43-16.1 Planned Development Areas: Public Benefit Criteria ? Development Plan Approval for Creation of Affordable Housing; and to modify Section 43-17.3 Planned Development Areas: General Design and Environmental Impact Standards ? Wind. The Residential Chinatown PDA Area II would apply specifically to the Parcel 24 Redevelopment Project, while the changes to Sections 43-16 and 43-17 would apply to all Planned Development Areas in Chinatown.

The proposed Parcel 24 Redevelopment Project is an approximately 58,000 SF vacant lot bounded by Hudson Street to the east, Kneeland Street to the north, and Albany Street to the west in Chinatown (?Proposed Project?).

Cantonese translation will be provided during the Public Meeting. A copy of the draft zoning map and text amendments will be made available on the BRA?s website -

Meeting Date/ Place:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
6:00-7:30 PM
Doubletree Hotel, White Rose Room
821 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111

Sue Kim, Senior Planner
Boston Redevelopment Authority
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 20201

PHONE: 617.918.4418
