Charlesview Community Meeting


Senior Member
Jun 11, 2006
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On Wednesday, September 23, 2009, at 6:00pm the Boston Redevelopment Authority will conduct a community meeting, at the Honan Allston Library, 300 North Harvard Street, to discuss the Charlesview Redevelopment/Development Plan for Planned Development Area #74 proposal. The project is undergoing Large Project Review and Planned Development Area Review pursuant to Article 80 of the Boston Zoning

The proposed project will provide a total of two hundred and sixty (260) rental units, inclusive of the two hundred and thirteen (213) replacement units at the existing Charlesview Site, along with an additional forty-seven (47) new rental units, and one hundred (100) new homeownership units. The Brighton Mills site will have twenty-five
(25) individual buildings, including twenty (20) town homes, two (2) row houses, and three (3) mid-rise buildings. Building heights on Brighton Mills site will range from 2.5 stories at the neighborhood edges of Litchfield Street and Holton Street transitioning up to 3.5, 4, 5 and 6 stories for the mid-rise buildings that front Western Avenue. The Telford Street site will have a single building that steps-up from 6 to 8 stories at its uppermost corner. The proposed project also includes nearly 23,000 square feet of commercial/community space that will be housed in the proposed mid-rise buildings adjacent to the south side of Western Avenue. The proposed project will include a total of five hundred and twenty-one (521) parking spaces, including one hundred and eleven (111) surface parking spaces and two hundred and sixty (260) spaces in an underground garage on the Brighton Mills site and one hundred and fifty (150) spaces in an underground garage on the Telford Street site.

I hope you can attend.




Jay Rourke
Senior Project Manager
Boston Redevelopment Authority
One City Hall Plaza
Boston Massachusetts 02201
617.918.4317 - w
617.742.7783 - f

Anyone going? I might be there.
