Check Out My Music


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May 28, 2006
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Check Out My Music - GIG DATES

UPDATE 9/26/09 ----- TONIGHT at Harper's Ferry in Allston is our CD release party!

It's 18+, $8 at the door, and for that you'll get four great bands total, and we'll have some cool free stuff to give away. We go on at 11pm sharp.


Hey guys, for those who don't know, I'm a drummer (went to Berklee for a year and a half), and I figure it's long overdue for me to share some of my music with you all. Now this stuff won't be everone's cup of tea, but give it a listen and give me some feedback -- I appreciate it.

Both were recorded after the Super Bowl in Oak Square, and they both are jams - nothing was planned out, and they don't have names.. yet.

first is a slow ballad type.. just sit back, close your eyes, and relax.

and this next one is a drunken free-for-all wheeeeeeeeee!
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^ I'm with ya there! That was really great!

btw-My toddler bangs on his toy drum and sings (in tongues) for me. If he is interested in music I would like to nurture that. How old were you when you first got a drum kit?
Although I too was a pots-and-pans tike, we didn't enact on that interest until the regular old school music program began (mine was in 5th grade), where you start off with the little practice pad and glockenspiel, and it wasn't until 7th grade that I got a full drum set.

About the drum set, I'd first ask you to consider how you want to nurture him. A true, proper training requires lessons and having him spend hours working on the little practice pad getting his basic hits, rolls and rudiments down (not exactly a kid's idea of fun), whereas the easy route is to just buy him a full drum set and let him learn everything (how to hit a drum, how to musically orchestrate hitting multiple surfaces, and getting that pesky thing called four-limb coordination down) on his own and all at once.

Great drummers have come from both routes, but I obviously recommend the former, and I say all this to tell you not to rush into getting a full kit for him; it's tempting, but it should be something that he gets once he's shown progress at dealing with the lone drum he already has :)
Very nice kz! I like the second one, has a nice beat to it.
I too am a drummer (8 years) and the way I started out was i got interested in elementary school, and I got a crappy little drum kit for Christmas in second grade. I started taking lessons, but I never actually used a pad (just my crappy little snare drum) to practice and then a couple years later I got a full drum kit (Tama!). I stopped taking actual lessons about 2 years ago, and I just jam now and keep my skills intact. I think it is easier to hear the beats then to try and learn all the notes, so now I just play songs by ear. I like your music, although you play in more of the jazz direction, and I play more rock and fast paced songs.
nice videos though, I've been meaning to put some of my own online.
Hey, another drummer.. nice!

I never actually took lessons for drum set; they were always for percussion (I consider myself a percussionist first/drummer second, with specialties in the timpani and marimba). Now that I'm out of Berklee I've been meaning to start up lessons again so as to keep someone pushing me, but I've been making do with just listening to music -- I really think it's the best way to learn and grow.

You can appreciate these. Here's my kit: a Mapex Saturn Pro

first pic is from my old apartment


Hey guys, I'm in a couple of bands at the moment (the above videos were just my friends and I jamming), so I figure I'll use this thread to keep you all posted on when I've got upcoming gigs.


First one is tomorrow, Friday the 22nd, 10 PM, with the band Felonious Mayhem (a funky blues-rock trio). No cover!
Location: The Bar at the End of the World at 108 Cambridge St in Charlestown, a quarter mile from the Sullivan Square stop on the Orange Line.


Next up is September 4th at 9:30 PM, my main band, Gentlemen Hall, will be playing. This band is more of an urban funk-pop kind of thing.. think Jamiroquai but more R&B-ish. Cover charge is 7 bones.
Location: FELT at 533 Washington St in Boston.
Try as I may, I simply cannot picture a bar at that location. Where exactly is it -- which side of the street, what else is in the building or neighboring it?
Which show are you talking about? I've never been to the Charlestown bar, so I don't know anything beyond what Gmaps street view shows, and that shows a couple of establishments that look like bars at the given address. FELT is located directly between the Opera House and the Modern Theatre.

I'm moving soon, and my Comcast just got shut off today (I'm at a friend's place), so I don't know if I'll check in here before tomorrow night. But if anyone decides to come please walk up and introduce yourself! I'd love to meet more Archbostoners.
I know where Felt is. I was asking about the other place, the one at the Charlestown/Somerville line. Even though I bike-commute right by it, I can't picture it.
UPDATE 9/26/09 ----- TONIGHT at Harper's Ferry in Allston is our CD release party!

It's 18+, $8 at the door, and for that you'll get four great bands total, and we'll have some cool free stuff to give away. We go on at 11pm sharp.


Hey guys, my band Gentlemen Hall is on a roll, and we've got a bunch of shows coming up at the end of this month.

To whet your appetite, here's a couple vids of us in action. Simply put, we're a dance band. We get people dancing and drinking -- hard!

"Put this Fire Out"

"The Monster"
^ It was Halloween in the second video, so don't go thinking the keyboardist normally looks like that ;)


If you liked what you saw, here's what we've got going on in the next couple of weeks:

Thursday, January 22nd - Bill's Bar, Fenway. There's probably a $5 cover or something.

Friday, January 23rd - house party in Allston. $5 cover, and it's a young (undergrad) crowd stuffed into a basement. But if that's your thing then you'll LOVE this place. We played there a month ago and the energy was insane.

Monday, January 26th - Great Scott, Allston. $7 cover (stupid sketchy-ass booking agent leeches).

Friday, January 30th - The Alchemist Lounge in Jamaica Plain. No cover and the place has great food and a classy atmosphere. This will be the third time we've played there in as many months, and we're looking to pack the house so we can get a steady gig, so please come to this show!!


I hope nobody takes offense to my advertising for my band; I know it can seem like shameless self-promotion. But I'm just trying to get a good thing going even more, and I'd absolutely love to start putting some faces to the personalities here that I've gotten to know so well. So come on out, introduce yourself to me, and we can converse over a beer or three :)

(Hey, that last part rhymes!)
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I like it KZ, you wouldn't be on iTunes would you?
Nope, not yet. We'll be doing a proper EP soon, and I imagine we'll get stuff up on there then. For now, you'll have to be content with the Myspace page.
by the way, the vocalist (gavin?) sounds a lot like the lead singer in maroon 5. the instrumental is much better (less synthesizer, perhaps?)
Yeah he (Gavin) does.. we get comparisons to them fairly often.

NOTE: we're not doing the Great Scott show (Monday, Jan 26) anymore. And the Bill's Bar show is one of those '80s night things. So if you want a normal bar environment I'd say go to the Alchemist Lounge show (Jan 30).
Hey guys, my band (-- --) is playing a big show at The Alchemist Lounge in Jamaica Plain this Friday, and we have two objectives to meet: number 1 is to pack the house to capacity, and number 2 is to have a receptive at-capacity crowd so as to impress the Boston Globe person who'll be writing a review on us. So if you want to either get drunk for cheap (**) or have some good food, please come out Friday night to the Alchemist.

- The Alchemist Lounge
- Friday, March 6, starting at roughly 10:30 PM (we play for two hours)
- 435 South Huntington St, Jamaica Plain
- Their food (served 'til around 10) is pretty darn good, and worth arriving early for
** NO COVER, and this show is sponsored by Rapscallion beer, which for you means CHEAP BEER ($2.50) from 10 PM onwards.

Some of you guys will remember that we've been playing some gigs at Bill's Bar on Lansdowne Street lately... well here's a couple vids from our most recent show there:

(once again, I'm the drummer)
You guys are on the front page of right now. Congratulations.
Haha, great that you saw it!!

Yeah, we got a publicity hook-up for this show we're playing tonight, and along with the blurb online, we got our picture (and a colorful half-page one at that) in today's Globe, on pg. 4 in the "G" section. Hopefully this'll give us the edge we need to really pack the house tonight.

Again, for tonight there's NO COVER and $2.50 Rapscallion beer from around 10:30 onwards. Come on out and shake your ass off!
TONIGHT at Harper's Ferry in Allston is our CD release party!

It's 18+, $8 at the door, and for that you'll get four great bands total, and we'll have some cool free stuff to give away. We go on at 11pm sharp.
