Constructive criticism vs. negativity


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Why is the line between the two often so blurred on this forum?

Maybe it's just me but I have a hard time telling where one stops and the other begins.

There probably is no line between the two. However, I do believe constructive criticisms are based on facts that can offer improvements. Negativity is just that, negative.
I've generally tried to disagree with people in a civil and constructive manner. If I slip up, please let me know.
This wasn't directed toward anyone or any thread in particular.

I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed the same thing or if it was just me.
There probably is no line between the two.

I was about to disagree with this statement but then I realized that there really isn't a line, rather a fine gradient. It really depends on the tone and how the person takes it.
"A true gentleman is one who is never unintentionally rude."

Oscar Wilde
I guess the video I posted in the open thread just struck a chord with me.

We live in an amazing city and nobody is happy. Or at least it seems that way on this board sometimes.

I understand the need to criticize and complain. It keeps things moving and helps to make sure we don't get complacent and just rest on our laurels, but sometimes I get the feeling that people here really think this city sucks.

Is it just me? Is everyone else seeing constructive criticism while I'm seeing grumpy-assed whiners?
I'm happy with this city most of the time. The only thing that makes me really unhappy is when developers stop their projects part way through (Columbus Center, Filene's).
Yes, I've noticed it a lot lately.
People's complaints about crappy new buildings sometimes does spill over into complaints about Boston, but other than those slightly misplaced feelings, I personally don't see a ton of negativity towards Boston here.

However, I DO see a lot of negativity towards the stuff going up, which I find to be wholly appropriate as most of it really does truly suck. And being in a great urban environment like Boston serves to constantly reminds one of what good architecture is all about.

Another point that ties in with the above is how architects tend to be some of the least happy people when it comes to their jobs, and I think a big part of that is the fact that they constantly see older buildings and know they can't compete with what their ancestors were doing. And being constantly reminded of one's sort of inferiority naturally leads to more bitching, more negativity, ect..
I guess the video I posted in the open thread just struck a chord with me.

We live in an amazing city and nobody is happy. Or at least it seems that way on this board sometimes.

I understand the need to criticize and complain. It keeps things moving and helps to make sure we don't get complacent and just rest on our laurels, but sometimes I get the feeling that people here really think this city sucks.

Is it just me? Is everyone else seeing constructive criticism while I'm seeing grumpy-assed whiners?

the video was great. very that was positive.

What do you see as the problem, is it that we do not appreciate the amazing reality around us or is it that people are fearful of a future that is increasingly being depicted and acknowledged as 'bad' [credit crisis, depression, pollution, sprawl, terrorism, drought, greenhouse effect, negative US savings rate, degradation of old values, etc] ?

The "not appreciating every beautiful sunset" problem is a part of the human condition from time immemorial.

I am new to this board but so far I find the discussions very rational and respectful.

I think this forum and others like it are the beginnings of a new connection that is going to be a very positive for Boston and anywhere else for that matter.
What do you see as the problem, is it that we do not appreciate the amazing reality around us or is it that people are fearful of a future that is increasingly being depicted and acknowledged as 'bad' [credit crisis, depression, pollution, sprawl, terrorism, drought, greenhouse effect, negative US savings rate, degradation of old values, etc] ?

I guess I see it as a problem of balance and perspective.

This would be a very boring place if we all followed the 'if you don't have anything nice to say...' rule, but at the same time I think we've tipped too far in the other direction, almost to the point of trying to top each other in a game of who can be the most negative.

Unfortunately, kz1000ps is correct. This board mostly focuses on new construction and most new construction probably deserves at least some level of disdain. It's just that it sometime feels like people use that as excuse to go off on the city as a whole, as if a few bad projects were symptoms of a deadly disease and the city is in its death throes.

I really don't know what I'm looking for, more just wondering if I'm being overly sensitive or if we really are a bunch of curmudgeony assholes. :???:

I'll put it this way, is most of the criticism leveled on this board useful in some way or is just bitching and moaning with no real solutions offered? Both are present, but which is more common?

Negativity is more to the point.

It is, but is it useful?
Over all ArchBoston discussion is the best I've ever seen on any message board.

Ron apologizing is hilarious!
I think the difference between constructive criticism and negativity is really just a matter of style. Some people are naturally diplomatic, even on internet forums, while others let the venom spew. I can appreciate both, but the latter can be more fun to read sometimes. It can also be more provocative, fostering debate.

Ideally, all comments would contain at least some supporting argument, but I think even comments without these can be useful because they give an indication of the popular consensus.

I think that if one is bothered by some instance of undeserved negativity, simply call that negative commenter out, challenge them --- civilly, of course.

Anyways, I think blind boosterism is a far more dangerous animal than negativity.
