I think the Sox are a lot less lovable already. I love them (more than I love the Pats), but lets face it... If any member of the Sox were busted with performance enhancers, or there was a big scandal about them stealing signs from other teams, people would hate them more than they hate the Pats.
The difference with MLB is that the Yankees always take some of that hate away... it's spread around. Although if you travel around the country, the Yankees and Red Sox are the same entity to people. Via baseball I've heard terms like "East Coast Bias" in reference to how the teams are treated (i.e. George Mitchell, with his strong Sox ties, being appointed to investigate steroid use), "the Sox[and Yankees] buy championships while [insert any other team here] use homegrown prospects," "The Red Sox [and Yankees"] energize their teams with the tears of African Orphans," etc. (Ok, so I made up the last one, but the point is people hate them now).
As far as the Super Bowl, I have to say I still haven't watched Sports Center (something I used to do daily), and I can't look at pictures from the Giants parade. I have to say though, it was a weird feeling after the game on Sunday. Everyone went silent... no one spoke for about 10 minutes, then the first things we talked about afterwards we spring break, skiing, and when the next time we were going to meet up was. It was like the awkward goodbye after a funeral where no one knows exactly what to say to each other. One of the darkest, eeriest feelings I've had in a while.
It wasn't like 2003 (and I too am primarily a Sox fan and a Pats fan second) because the Sox were the Underdog/ Wild Card team... plus they still hadn't done it. I was hopeful, and sad for sure when it ended, but I didn't expect it to happen (again, I'm 22... 2004 was the first professional sports championship I had experienced for a team i followed, so i didn't know what it felt like). This year, I expected it-we all did- I even planned where I was going to watch the parade from (my dad's office at 1 Beacon).
I hate to use the word cocky, but I felt we had it all but wrapped up... then it was ripped away with 30 seconds to go and that is a bitter taste. 2003 was bad, but it didn't have the same effect (although it was close). I can't say this is the worst defeat in Boston sports history (I simply haven't experienced enough of them), but this one is bad. It has to be close, doesn't it?
I'll be in Ft. Myers for spring break, by the way... a decision that was made after the Super Bowl. As pathetic as it sounds (i know there are far more serious issues in the world today), this is my "getaway" after the funeral. No lie- and it can't come soon enough.