Go Boston 2030 Open Studio


Active Member
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Open Studio for Idea Clustering
Read every idea and help us decide which ones have the biggest impact

See here for City Of Boston Advert: http://us10.campaign-archive2.com/?u=718ac49c91dc4c19edb46d8d8&id=76f2d5c82c&e=eeb70d03e6

Before you join us at to the Open Studio, we encourage you to visit our new idea database page to find your favorite project and policy ideas. After organizing and reading and re-reading (and re-reading) all 3,748 ideas that you contributed last fall, we’ve made it easy for you to search and read them.

The idea database lets you sort by the way you get around (walk, bike, transit, drive, transfer, other), by whether an idea is project or policy, and then by category (ex. incentives, bridges, safety, stations). You can also use CTRL+F to search for any word in the database from the main page.

Let us know if we’ll see you on March 29!
The Go Boston 2030 Team
