thanks for sharing. I really enjoy cities like Portland, Portsmouth, Burlington, Greenville, Asheville, etc. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy huge cities, too. I also enjoy quaint towns like exeter NH and Concord, MA. I am just a fan of built environments and settlement patterns done right, I guess. I particularly like when cities of 50 - 100,000 that stand on their own blend the worlds of town and city. The ideal place, to me, has community and economy. It is tough to have both (i.e. small towns have tons of community and no jobs and big cities have well paying jobs but no one really has community ties). To some extent, Boston seems to have succeeded at this, relative to comparable cities, on a large scale. Part of the reason I am so interested in Portland, other than home town pride, is that I think if it just pursued the right course it could be SO much better than what it currently is. I think it is waiting to be the perfect sort of town, but it just can't seem to do enough of the right things enough of the time. anyway, thanks again,