Hate groups look to expand in Boston


Senior Member
May 27, 2006
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Tuesday night the church leon de juda presented to my neighborhood association (Worcester Sq) their plans to expand at 18-24 Reed St in Roxbury. The leader, roberto miranda and his ?wonderful Christian architect Glenn Knowles?( http://leondejuda.org/db_public/u14_public/index_EN.php?display=onepage&what=466) presented. The four story building will include a sanctuary, classrooms, office space and enclosed parking.

Phase one is the sanctuary building and the type of pilings they will be using will flare out below ground and under the public sidewalk. Phase two will include a connector between buildings over a public right of way and in the front of the building they will add a screen and a decorative ?vertical element? and a ?horizontal element? projecting over the public sidewalk 1 foot 11 inches. These elements are clearly a cross but they architect refused to use that term. Because the cross will project over the sidewalk (I believe this is unprecedented in Boston), he will require a second city easement, as will the connector.

They will be going before Boston?s Public Improvement Commission shortly for phase 1 for the pilings. I understand that the church has the right to build on their property and nothing can stop them, but I hope the city does not grant a group like this any easements over or under public land. Let them build back 1 foot 11 inches.


Below are examples as to why I consider this church a hate group:

A Strategic Plan for the Church in Massachusetts.

Satan has warred mightily against this region, and has effectively neutralized it through the influence of principalities of rationalism, humanism, intellectual pride and spiritual arrogance. Massachusetts, as well as all of New England, has become a cemetery of churches, a breeding ground for heretical doctrine, and intellectual furnace energizing attitudes of godlessness, rational arrogance and secularism It is no coincidence, of course, that something as dramatically distant from the Christian worldview as gay marriage would be originated in this region.

The acceptance and celebration of gay marriage has such revolutionary implications for the human psyche, that it makes possible and even natural the contemplation of practically every other moral perversion. We must draw the line here.

Is it exaggerated to see prophetic significance in the fact that on September 11, 2001 Boston served as the point of departure for the deadly forces that spread so much destruction and havoc in this nation and all over the world? What took place at the material level is now being carried out at the moral and spiritual level, as the virus of homosexuality and gay marriage begins to spread dramatically all over this nation and perhaps the world.

Thirdly, we must stop obsessing about homosexuality and gay marriage. These have only been the initial stimuli God has used to get our attention. They are purely symptomatic. They are not the disease. The spiritual roots of the present condition go much deeper. They extend to the Church?s present state of spiritual decrepitude, our lack of spiritual vision and passion. It is our inaction, timidity and spiritual complacency that has given way to the present state of affairs. Satan has not wrested anything from us. We have relinquished it passively. We have not tilled the soil and nature has merely asserted itself by default, filling the void we have allowed with spiritual weeds.

We must now proceed systematically to penetrate and reconquer these areas, identifying appropriate strategies for each, and pursuing these strategies with a long-term outlook. This is precisely what the homosexual sector has done for the past thirty-five years.


But Miranda is not satisfied. He has written a master plan to ''reclaim the state of Massachusetts for Jesus Christ" and penetrate a culture he feels is being lost to promiscuity, activist judges, and the legalization of same-sex marriage. He is organizing Protestant ministers and Christian activists around the state and encouraging them to bring modern marketing techniques to the church.

The 17-page treatise appeals to evangelical leaders to work together to ''proceed systematically to penetrate and reconquer" institutions of culture, business, and politics in a state that he said has become ''saturated with a godless, secular outlook."

In May, 34 church leaders and Christian activists from Boston responded to his invitation and met in a small convent in Roxbury to discuss the plan. In September, the group will meet again to define its long-term goals.

the plan, which calls on Christian leaders to unify and strengthen the church, recruit high school and college students, and imbue them with a ''clear, militant Christian worldview,"

''I think that what Roberto is talking about is very much in the same vein of the civil rights movement; it's in keeping with the abolition movement," said the Rev. Ray Hammond, pastor at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, who attended the May meeting.

As the congregation grew, Miranda considered moving the church to the suburbs, where many members lived. Then, he said, he had a dream, in which enormous tarantulas were hovering over Boston.

''These tarantulas were representative of demonic beings exercising their harmful power over the city," he recalled. Above the spiders, however, was an enormous lion that he said was kind, intelligent, and prepared to fight the creatures.

He saw the dream as a sign, told his congregants they had to move to the city, and changed the church's name. In 1997, the church took over an abandoned building in Roxbury, gutted it, and renovated it for about $1 million.

President Bush mentioned the program, which receives about $30,000 in federal funding, during his speech at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast in June.

Miranda won't sit quietly on gay marriage. He plans to visit Hispanic churches throughout the city to help collect signatures to put on the ballot a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.


Roberto Miranda, a Roxbury pastor who chairs the ballot campaign, said that after gathering signatures from 170,000 residents who believe the public should have a chance to vote, the religious leaders should be able to sit back and let democracy run its course.

``Instead, we find ourselves here, uncertain and insecure, unsure of what course our legislators, sworn to represent us, will take on this most serious of matters," Miranda said.

If gay-rights advocates are so confident that the people of Massachusetts have accepted same-sex marriage and want to move on, Miranda asked, why not let them prove it at the ballot?


Roberto Miranda , chairman of VoteonMarriage.org, said that the Legislature's refusal to act has given gay marriage opponents the moral high ground in the debate. He said that gay people "portray themselves as victims, but in this case they act as oppressors."


Nowhere in the world are the issues that we are discussing more starkly displayed than in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where I presently pastor. During the tense confrontations that took place last year over the State Supreme Court decision to impose same-sex marriage, I was able to experience first hand the spirit of arrogance and self-assurance that pervades the homosexual community.


One thing is for sure: a thriving, expansive homosexual community in America will undoubtedly lead to a besieged, encapsulated evangelical sector. There is simply no logical, coherent way that these two mutually exclusive worldviews can coexist peacefully while manifesting themselves fully.

The idea that these two conflicting postures, specifically incarnated in America by conservative evangelicalism and liberal, gay culture, can eventually accommodate each other within the cultural, legal and moral structure of this nation and still fully retain their essence and vibrancy, their mutually exclusive claim on the way we order our national life, is only wishful thinking, born out of a naove desire to postpone inevitable conflict, and to see human nature as more noble and pliant than it really is. In the end, only one of these two worldviews can truly remain standing. The other can only continue living a ghostly existence, pale and eviscerated, relegated to the closet, its essential claims only allowed manifesting themselves in the innocuous realm of private practice and closely held belief.

Once the gay paradigm has successfully inserted itself into the structures of marriage and the family, it will explode it from inside with devastating, long lasting consequences. As with the failed Communist experiment, future generations will be left to pick up the debris and to try to bring healing to its traumatized victims.

I leave you with the encouraging words of the apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians 6: 10-18:

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. "Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done, all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit."

While the architect refused to refer to these 'elements' as a cross, even after we asked if the CROSS would be ilunimated at night. The answere was only dimmly iluminated by LEDs yet the said the have hired a lighting consultant.

So, as you know, after the ministry of Jes?s this culminated in the cross. On the other side of the cross it represents the reconciliation with God, the Father. And again that?s represented by the glass and the white.
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Are they really calling this address Roxbury? Is it because saying 'South End' would make it obvious how badly they'll fit in the neighborhood?
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The address given was part of the City of Roxbury before Boston annexed it. (This is a popular topic of discussion at UniversalHub.com )
I think, and I could be wrong on this, but the cross on the facade of St. Anthony's on Arch Street is above plane of the sidewalk.
I read that the number one summer destination for evangelical students summer break is New York City - the belly of the beast.

Not only this, but a small evangelical college is one of the tenants of the Empire State Building!
"As the congregation grew, Miranda considered moving the church to the suburbs, where many members lived. Then, he said, he had a dream, in which enormous tarantulas were hovering over Boston.

''These tarantulas were representative of demonic beings exercising their harmful power over the city," he recalled. Above the spiders, however, was an enormous lion that he said was kind, intelligent, and prepared to fight the creatures."

Is weed or acid one of the sacraments of this church?
OLD uncle know Reveland M. and say he BIG idiot.

BUT.IAM thinkin that Rev. Miranda having A points here. Fist,this gay TARANTULASiis problems. Second. And this being KEY point. here. Not having FEMALE spider to EAT male means INFESTEDTION of hungri hungey MALEspiders. This being what good Rev. seeing too. So maybe need maneaterLESBIAN spiders to help, AND third. This investation being BAD problem with FRUIT HAT his Mom wear becus trantulas EATING theHAT for dinner. SO. He mad Becaus MOM call him LOOSER becauz he not STOMPIN them or using can of RAID.

Or. So it would seem.
something as dramatically distant from the Christian worldview as gay marriage

The United Church of Christ would heartily disagree, as would just about every other Protestant church within a half mile of Davis Square.
Reminds me how lucky we are to live in MA, where bigoted fundamentalist evangelicals are a marginalized presence.
"If gay-rights advocates are so confident that the people of Massachusetts have accepted same-sex marriage and want to move on, Miranda asked, why not let them prove it at the ballot?"

Because minority rights should never be decided upon by the majority. Plain and fucking simple. I try to be tolerant of there views, but it is hard when they are blatantly not tolerant of mine.

Not to derail this thread, but these people piss me off more than anything.
It's sad how much time and energy is wasted on non-issues like these. Gay people should have all the rights as straight, end of discusion. Lets (society/govt) spend time taking on the real issues out there. Also its funny how many christians forget the comandment love thy neighbor.
^AMEN to that! There is a great deal of misinterpretation and misuse of the Bible by some Christians regarding many matters of faith and morality. It is sad that the very existence of any religious community ought to be centered on one or two hot-button issues and not on the positive teachings on God's love found so obviously and dominantly in the Bible. Such a stance appeals to fear, judgmentalism, intolerance, and unnecessary moral rigorism. Hmmm, sounds a lot like the position of some Pharisees which Jesus denounced.
^^Not quite.

When Jesus said "Love thy neighbor", He didn't mean that in loving them, you also have to give blessing to their actions.

That's the gist of it.

I agree that too much time and energy is wasted on this, but I don't agree that because a church's refusal to condone specific secular practices makes it a hate group. Come on, does the first amendment ring any bells?
^^Sure. It's what gives us the right to call these places hate groups.
