Skanska Office Tower | 380 Stuart Street | Back Bay


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May 25, 2006
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John Hancock looks to build a new 26-story tower in the Back Bay
By Jon Chesto GLOBE STAFF AUGUST 05, 2015

John Hancock, the Boston life insurer that built two of the Back Bay’s most iconic towers decades ago, wants to add a third high-rise to the city’s fast-changing skyline.

At 26 stories, the new Hancock tower would be smaller than its older siblings. But the $350 million project at 380 Stuart St. promises to make its own visual statement with its curved glass facade.

The US arm of the Canadian insurance giant Manulife Financial Corp. expects to submit a letter to Boston officials on Wednesday, outlining plans for a 625,000-square-foot tower, one that would replace a nine-story building owned by Hancock that would be torn down.

“It really marks a new opportunity to expand our presence here in Boston,” said Jim Gallagher, executive vice president at John Hancock. “This is the city where we were founded. We’ve been here for over 150 years. We have projects that marked our history over time in the city. This is another marker, in that respect.”


John Hancock hired the architectural firms Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and CBT to design the building, and Colliers International to manage the project. Gallagher said the glass tower’s curved sides give it a distinctive look, aimed at minimizing the wind impacts along Stuart Street. He said he doesn’t expect the new tower to cast a shadow over Boston Common or the nearby Commonwealth Avenue Mall, avoiding a potential cause for criticism.

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I like what I can see overall, but I do with it was a little taller and thinner than proposed.
Would definitely complement the Copley Place Tower.
Too bad they can't be forced to build higher. This is actually the fourth Hancock building, although 3rd tower. The original 8 story building is between the two existing building.It would be nice if they could have a more active Stanhope St side to this building than what's there now.
Looks like a glass version of the Liberty Mutual tower from that street angle.
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I'm not usually part of the 'build it taller!' crowd, but yeah, this should be taller. Asking for mixed use would probably be too much though.

Also, what is getting razed to build this?
I gotta say I'm disappointed after seeing the thread title.
I too wish it were taller but I think that looks great
A hansome enough pre-war building.

Alas, such is progress...
I like the stone facade of the existing building along Stuart street. I personally find it a shame that they won't be preserving that and building up on the existing building footprint. And I get it that it's 'cheaper' to tear the existing building down and build something new...
Agreed that it should be taller, but it looks like Hancock is bullish about this (and self-financing) so I doubt they want to incite the "shadows on the Common" crowd.

Also agreed that this will complement Copley Place well. A pity they aren't saving at least the ground floor of that prewar building.
Is it me, or does that look like a copycat (but glass) version of the Liberty Mutual building?

This is an interesting comment. What do you see as similar? I am honestly interested in your opinion.

The rounded corner with the taller windows along the top floor?
nice building just looks short and dumb for that spot IMO
That ground level on Stuart looks horrendous. That cheesy arch has got to go. Also, I will second the call for an Atlantic Wharf-style treatment here. The existing building is quite nice.

I really don't like this "tower" at all.
