Linden and Chambers street development | 138-188 Linden street, 5 Chambers street | Needham

stick n move

Oct 14, 2009
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Linden & Chambers Street Redevelopment​


“138-188 Linden Street & 5 Chambers Street, Needham, MA

The 152 deeply-affordable studio apartments are more than 60 years old and in need of replacement. The Needham Housing Authority (NHA) is planning to preserve the existing 152 units and build 95 new units at the site to meet this demand. All units will be affordable.”

Linden & Sylvan

Location Plan

Aerial Image

Linden & Blake

Linden & School Entry

“The existing Linden Street & Chambers Street development has been home to nearly 1,000 seniors and disabled residents since the 1960s. These 152 deeply-affordable studio apartments, however, are more than 60 years old, worn out, cramped, and in need of replacement.

The Linden-Chambers Redevelopment Project represents a historic opportunity for the Town of Needham to meet the overwhelming demand for safe, well-designed, and affordable housing for seniors and disabled residents. The Needham Housing Authority (NHA) is planning to preserve the existing 152 units and build 95 new units at the site to meet this demand. All units will be affordable.”

Needham Housing Authority Seeking Development Partner for Linden St. Redevelopment​

“The Needham Housing Authority is soliciting proposals from developer partners for the redevelopment of its public housing site at 138-188 Linden Street, Needham MA 02492. The site currently comprises 72 deeply affordable, state-subsidized studio apartments for seniors and the disabled. NHA expects proposals to include at a minimum the 72 existing public housing units must be replaced by at least 72 new units of comparable affordability for seniors and the disabled; and (2) the Authority seeks the development of a significant number of additional new affordable units for seniors and the disabled. Per the RFP, the Authority has already raised much of the funding needed for the Project's predevelopment activities and has also carried out a substantial amount of pre-development work over the past three years including the creation of the project's schematic, securing the zoning relief necessary to build the project by right, and identifying a substantial amount of construction funding towards the estimated total development cost of ~$84 million.“
