Loosen Up, Boston?: A Building A Better Commonwealth Event

Beton Brut

Senior Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Risqué movies are no longer "banned in Boston," but proposals for new buildings, liquor licenses, and late operating hours often meet with great skepticism in many neighborhoods. To outsiders -- and many local business owners and developers -- efforts to protect neighborhoods come across as NIMBYism, nannyism, and resistance to a more active nightlife.

How can we work together to find the right balance between maintaining Boston's character while enhancing urban vitality and giving new night life venues and recreations a chance to take root?

We have invited thought leaders, entrepreneurs, residents, and civic leaders to represent a diversity of perspectives to ensure a well-rounded conversation. Moderated by Peter Canellos, the Editor of The Boston Globe’s Editorial Page, the discussion will yield a deeper understanding of how we, as the Commonwealth’s citizens, could address this issue.


Larry Harmon columnist, The Boston Globe (@GlobeOpinion)

Malia Lazu executive director, Future Boston Alliance (@FutureBoston)

J. Alain Ferry ceo, RaceMenu (@racemenu, @velospeed)

Ali Fong chef + owner, Bon Mi Food Truck (@bonme)

Randi Lathrop deputy director, Community Planning (@bostonredevelop)


5:30 – 6:00p registration

6:00 – 7:15p conversation

7:15 – 8:00p networking reception
I hope someone there will point out that there's no contradiction between "maintaining Boston's character" and nightlife, unless by character they mean its sleepiness. As if thousands-year-old Old World cities don't have places for people to drink and dance...
Ancient old world cities couldn't possibly have more vibrant nightlife than Boston!! After all, where are all the parking spaces and highways to prevent traffic congestion!?
