Mayor Wu Appoints Second Chief of Planning

Wait and see mostly with Wu's planning ideas. I think if she gets the comprehensive zoning and master planning stuff done that is huge, but if she gets rid of the BPDA before that is done or fails to accomplish it then Boston will be fucked as it will move too much control to the neighborhoods.

Her entire vision really depends on getting zoning standardized and overhauled in the city.

Aaaaand he’s gone. Can’t believe he’s apparently been commuting from Michigan since being appointed. Was the city buying his plane tickets? Pretty hypocritical considering City Hall’s focus on environmentalism.

Aaaaand he’s gone. Can’t believe he’s apparently been commuting from Michigan since being appointed. Was the city buying his plane tickets? Pretty hypocritical considering City Hall’s focus on environmentalism.

I hear what you're saying, but, of course, from a sheer logistical standpoint, this is a ridiculously easy commute. 630 miles from Logan to Wayne International; I just checked; a 70-minute flight, realistically. Which is to say (as ridiculous as it is), probably the same amount of time as someone of his tier driving from Wellesley, parking at Riverside, and taking the D Line to Park St. and then getting off to walk to some office tower in FiDi.

All kinds of people of that echelon have arrangements to do these kinds of very short-hop airplane commutes these days, of course. So there's really nothing remarkable about this at all, other than that he happens to have been a Cabinet-level municipal employee...
I was more concerned about fuel usage. Surely a 70min flight burns more than a 70min drive or subway ride.
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