Where my family lived in Topsfield, there was an old abandoned railroad bed that went behind our house. There was a 1/4 acre of trees between our yard and the bed, and it was down in a ditch. It went all the way north to Newburyport or somewhere, I have no idea. My father and I walked it a couple times and it went on forever (at least, it felt that way to a 10-year old).
They talked on and off about paving it, turning it into a bike path.
Dear god, you'd think they had suggested turning it into a raceway, based on my father's negative response. In no uncertain terms did he want that to happen. He was sure there would be motorbikes going non-stop up and down there, day and night.
Was true, on occasion we'd hear the bikes on the dirt path (which they cleared every once in awhile).
I never understood his absolute opposition to anything, anytime, anywhere.