North Station Area, Nashua St, Merrimack St, etc


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Self explanatory, methinks.

Blue lines are pedestrian paths/plazas. Note the thickness of the line isn't necessarily equivalent to the width of the plaza.
Breaking up the O'Neil Building would be great, but I'm not sure how politically feasible it would be. The new Nashua St residence would probably be a problem to. Unless I'm reading this wrong and the building you put to the west of the Garden is it's footprint? You could also make New Martha Rd one way southbound and New Portland St Ext one way northbound.
This map just made me notice that Google Maps has shaded the undeveloped parts of Bulfinch Triangle as parks.

Google Maps...secret open space zealot shadow NIMBYs?

(Also, wow, guess "Dr. Frankel Jason" has Spaulding Rehab all to himself now?)
Has anyone been to the West End Museum? Is it worth a walk over?
It has parts of the old Gans "Last Tenement" exhibit, but not much else. The people that run it are interesting to talk to though.
Yeah, I just took a quick run through. I liked some of the architectural salvage but it is pretty sparse. Might go back some day when I have more time and actually read some of the exhibits.
You could also make New Martha Rd one way southbound and New Portland St Ext one way northbound.

They are. I forgot to add the arrows.

(Also, wow, guess "Dr. Frankel Jason" has Spaulding Rehab all to himself now?)

LOL. Must have one hell of a salary to buy the whole building. I didn't realize Spaulding moved to Charlestown already. This guy must be one hell of a doc.

Yeah, the Nashua St residences would probably lose a bit of property unfortunately. Perhaps cutting them a deal somehow can make up for it. They'd be the only private property negatively impacted AFAIK.
