So I have been thinking about something and I was interested what, if anything, others had to say. It regards zoning and the development of dense cities. Actually, the lack of zoning. So Houston is a major city without real zoning laws in place, and it has developed predictably sprawlish in many respects. But need this necessarily be the outcome of abolishing zoning? What if we retained only two types of zoning ordinances - Nuisance and Transportation based? Specifically, what if we did away with all automobile based travel except interstate (for argument's sake), would zoning even be necessary then, to create the sorts of mixed use, dense areas that urbanites rave about these days? I guess another way of putting it is, other than to curtail nuisances, does zoning really have any advantages, or is it merely an administrative response to accommodate the automobile? The reason I ask is that it seems like many of the city districts in America that are most successful developed before zoning, based just on sheer land economics, rather than a planned effort. If anyone has any thoughts I would be very interests to hear them. If not that's alright too.