Safari Sucks!


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
So BU has decided to replace some of the campus computers with Apples. I'm browsing AB using Safari (no choice) and none of the in-line images are loading. Any one know if there is a work around?

Great, now text isn't even showing up.
Apple: The bimbo of the computer world. Really pretty, but useless.
Download and install Firefox. Or bother Briv to fix it. This doesn't happen in any other PHP forum except this one, so it's some configuration setting of his.
I use Firefox at home and at work (with the Safari skin, natch). It is just the BU computers they have set up around the campus that use Safari and you can't do anything with those computers except surf.
I also really don't care for the 'mighty mouse' either. :?
If you have Safari, you should be able to use it to download Firefox, though. Opera probably works, too.
Ron Newman said:
If you have Safari, you should be able to use it to download Firefox, though. Opera probably works, too.

You can't access the OS in any way, shape or form on the BU computers. In fact, the browser is customized to point that it cannot be closed. Even if I could download FF (I assume downloads would be blocked) I would have no way of executing it.
It's no big deal. I just use the machines to kill time before class. There are plenty of other web sites out there. It just irked me at the time.
I'm sure as soon as Briv launches AB v2.0 (which should be any day now :wink:) this will all be water under the bridge.
statler said:
Ron Newman said:
If you have Safari, you should be able to use it to download Firefox, though. Opera probably works, too.

You can't access the OS in any way, shape or form on the BU computers. In fact, the browser is customized to point that it cannot be closed. Even if I could download FF (I assume downloads would be blocked) I would have no way of executing it.
It's no big deal. I just use the machines to kill time before class. There are plenty of other web sites out there. It just irked me at the time.
I'm sure as soon as Briv launches AB v2.0 (which should be any day now :wink:) this will all be water under the bridge.

Where are the apple computers on campus? Cummington street labs possibly? I've accessed the network wirelessly using my kerberos account and everything has loaded on firefox.
Where are the apple computers on campus? Cummington street labs possibly? I've accessed the network wirelessly using my kerberos account and everything has loaded on firefox.

The small cluster of computers along the wall in CAS in the basement and 2nd floor. Last year they were Dell's. For some some reason they swapped them for Apples (or Linux boxes with Apple peripherals). I hope they aren't going campus wide.
I really should have my own laptop. It would make life a lot easier.
