Stellarfun Vs. TheRifleman


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
Filene's Basement in the downtown would have survived....even through bankruptcy.
That store was still a money machine so Syms would have closed most of the Filenes Basements but probably would have maintain 1 or 2 and Downtown was always busy.

It's like Friendly's which just filed chap 11......They restructured to close 63 out of their 487 stores.

Menino saw this coming? Just like he saw the 10 Million dollar city loan to W-Hotel which got forced into bankrupcty. I bet he saw that coming also.
Once again, you demonstrate how little you know about the real world of business, finance, even government.

Syms, the parent of Filene's Basement, is closing not only all the Basement stores, but all the Syms stores as well. This is a liquidating bankruptcy, the whole company is closing down and going out of business. It would have zero interest in keeping one store in Boston. Maybe in bankruptcy court, someone will buy the name, like a New England railroad buying the name Pan Am.
Re: Downtown Crossing

Once again, you demonstrate how little you know about the real world of business, finance, even government.

Syms, the parent of Filene's Basement, is closing not only all the Basement stores, but all the Syms stores as well. This is a liquidating bankruptcy, the whole company is closing down and going out of business. It would have zero interest in keeping one store in Boston. Maybe in bankruptcy court, someone will buy the name, like a New England railroad buying the name Pan Am.

All I was saying is Filenes Basement could have filed chap 11 restructure mode if flagship downtown area was still making money. They could have been in a similar situation like Friendly's Close some stores consolidate. Sorry Mr. Business Guru. Gee you really got me on this situation.

#1 I really don't know the extent of SYMS financial situation. I'm sure it's DIRE since they are filing chap 7 Liquidation time.

#2 Filenes Basement located Downtown in my opinion could have survived even as a single store because of it's popularity.
I personally don't know the finances but I do remember Filenes Basement Downtown was always busy with foot traffic.

I think the reason why I blog on this site is because of people like you. Knowing I just get under your skin. I bet you think of my blogs when your eating supper with your family and wonder why I bother you so much.
Re: Downtown Crossing

I think the reason why I blog on this site is because of people like you. Knowing I just get under your skin. I bet you think of my blogs when your eating supper with your family and wonder why I bother you so much.

1.) Confession is good for the soul.

2.) You aren't even a clever troll.

3.) You greatly exaggerate your importance, or effect, or the amount of time one needs to spend in replying to a post of yours. Ned, on the other hand, was well-informed with regard to at least half of what he wrote, and one sometimes had to work when replying to him.

4.) Posts here do not comprise a blog; this is a bulletin board or discussion forum.
Re: Downtown Crossing

2.) You aren't even a clever troll.

Then your the idiot in the room that continues to respond to my useless posts that make no sense.

Since I have been posting now for the past 3 years on ARCHBOSTON. Have we seen an improvment for the downtown area? NO......So lets leave it at that. NO PLANNING, NO VISION, NO STRUCTURE. The only thing I know that the poor business owners have to pay is additional tax called BID.

So what is your point? That you got mad because I claimed that Filenes Basement probably would have survived at least in that one location through a bankruptcy process.
Re: Downtown Crossing

This conversation should be taken to a different thread.
Instead of getting drunk in the Seaport enjoying the ballgames we get a bunch of mad scientists cloning everything in sight.

Should be a interesting area when biohazards products spill onto the water front.

Can we all just agree to stop taking this guy seriously now?
As I said before he comes across as the aborted love child of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. This forum has gone down hill from all the ranting and repetition.
His rants are bothering me less and less. The world will always have it's share of folks like him.

It is the people who respond to him like he has something intelligent and worthwhile to say that are getting on my nerves.
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I've stopped reading any thread he highjacks. I mean this IS the internet so this type of thing should be expected but it's damn annoying. You can disagree with him and even think he is crazy but until he starts really attacking others (who aren't the mayor) he is free to say whatever.

Another way to look at it is you are free to NOT respond and feed into it.
I've stopped reading any thread he highjacks. I mean this IS the internet so this type of thing should be expected but it's damn annoying. You can disagree with him and even think he is crazy but until he starts really attacking others (who aren't the mayor) he is free to say whatever.

Another way to look at it is you are free to NOT respond and feed into it.

Van I love ya buddy. A true patriot to freedom of speech. Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!:confused:
Sadly I do read the postings because there might be something informative instead of the repetition. At least there hasn't been a call to move the NYC fashion industry to Washington St in a while. The other problem is the ranting. Sometimes I think of responding and then realize it takes a long disconnected rant to answer a long disconnected rant.

The only one I stopped reading was that guy on the Columbus Sq thread, and I think he was right about the concentration of pollution but I think his real issue was he was against the project, period. Some day I'll go back and read his post.
