Stimulus Money


Sep 25, 2008
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After 8 years of the BUSH party. The economy is only going to get worse before it gets better. This project really could end up being in big trouble. It will only takes one domino to fall before the deal is dead.

Menino was smart about the press release about helping developers try to finish up their projects. Just not sure if it will be enough.

Hopefully they get the funding.
Re: Filene's

If you've been reading up on Obama's transition efforts, he is now going to keep all of Bush's major economic policies. All of them.

Try not to forget that while flailing around in an ocean of change-flavored Kool-aid.
Re: Filene's

That is why we will head into a depression instead of a recession. Inflate or die theory will not work this time because of the massive layoffs buidling momentum. They need to strenghten the dollar. Cut government to the BONE. The problem here is government officials don't have clue on how to really work for a living.
Debasing the united states currency will not work and until they figure this out and raise interest rates then we will not move forward.

Raise interest rates and cleanse the system............let capitalism work itself.
Re: Filene's

Try not to forget that while flailing around in an ocean of change-flavored Kool-aid.


[Sarcasm] I'm pretty sure McCain would have done a lot better changing Bush's policies [/Sarcasm]

Obama will create jobs, likely at a great cost to the gov't. People with jobs will spend, and will be taxed appropriately. And then, the gov't will see a return on the investment in job creation and bail-outs. And the economy will then boom, and in 30-40 years, we'll go through the same thing again.
Re: Filene's

"at a great cost to the gov't"...

Where does the government get its money? Socialism doesn't work, top-down centralized economies don't work. And that is where we are headed, under the leaders of BOTH of the parties. This left/right, dem/repub dichotomy is tired and useless. What people should start to think about is whether they are statists or individualists.
Re: Filene's

Government jobs are funded by taxpayers. Creating government jobs takes away money from those whom already have jobs and takes their capital out of the economy, thus making things worse.

I think a lot of people need to read Amity Shlaes' The Forgotten Man to really understand that the New Deal was a failure and the postwar boom was the result of New Deal policies being repealed during WWII and the US being the last real major industrial power left standing at the end of the conflict.

/Ok I went to school in the USSR, why the hell do I understand this better than most fancy university graduates here?

For the record, the Democrats have controlled Congress the last two years, and it is Congress which controls economic policy. Obama's financial team got a glowing review and wet kisses from Karl Rove two weeks ago and Bush's recent financial behavior is completely ass backward from Republican doctrine. So to blame everything on boy, who acts like a Democrat, George, whom went along with Democrat controlled congress, and now saying Democrats will do better is laughable.
The collectivists have been gaining power the last few years in both parties to our detriment and you can kiss individualism goodbye if Obama embraces all the radical garbage he grew up believing in.
Re: Filene's


My sentiments exactly. Well-stated.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

> What people should start to think about is whether they are statists or individualists.

A false dichotomy, because people's real opinions come in varying combinations of one and the other.

(Ditto for 'collectivist' vs 'individualist'. The fact that we call our state a Commonwealth suggests a strong collectivist strain in our history and politics.)
Re: The Economy (stupid)

Two case studies - editorializing left out:

The Situation
Franklin Roosevelt took office as the economy was sliding into another major economic crisis - the three decades prior to this there were several bank panics and currency crisis.

The proposed solution:
FDR proposed higher taxes, protectionist trade, and big, big government programs.


The Situation
George Walker Bush took office also just as the economy was sliding into crisis. The Clinton recession was in solid effect, fueled by the "dot-com bust" and then on top of this, just months into office, the nation was rocked by the first act of war since Pearl Harbor. Markets froze, the already fragile stock market tanked even further, and the weak economy was further jolted into recession. Many people called the situation at the time, "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression" - people like then-state rep. Barry Obama (direct quote).

The proposed solution:
George Bush proposed slashing taxes on all people (rich, middle class, poor - every tax bracket) corporations, capital gains and investments. He opened up trade to more markets, continuing a push for free-trade agreements. He attempted to cut government spending, but was hamstrung by the War waged against the United States on Sept 11.

In effect, he took the exact opposite approach that FDR took.

The Results:
For FDR, the recession turned into the Great Depression.
For GWB, the recession was kept at bay

(Obviously - OBVIOUSLY - an overly simplistic view whitewashing several factors, but the two case studies are illustrative)

I believe Barrack Hussein Obama is smart, not dumb.

This is why he is going to continue all the major Bush economic policies - the ones that he labeled the "failed economic policies of the past 8 years"

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

I for one am relieved.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

Pelhamhall, is there a reason you are inclined to call Barack Obama "Barry?" I don't entirely disagree with your point above, but calling him Barry makes you sound like a condescending and patronizing jerk.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

1.) The act of "holding off" a recession by encouraging consumers to spend* more only worsens the inevitable implosion in a debt-money system like ours.

*Spend in this case is equivalent to requesting more debt.

2.) Neither Barry Obama, nor Ben Bernanke, nor Tim Gaithner will be able to fend off the collapse. Consumers have become exhausted and you simply cannot make a dead horse run. After the Christmas spike, things will begin to accelerate downwards.

3.) Buy canned goods. ;)
Re: The Economy (stupid)

awood91, Barrack Hussein Obama has gone by the name Barry H. Sorrento at times during his life, so I think it's not disrespectful to call him by any of those names.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

awood91, Barrack Hussein Obama has gone by the name Barry H. Sorrento at times during his life, so I think it's not disrespectful to call him by any of those names.

It is commonly known that Americans have peculiar sentiments toward middle-eastern culture, the same way we did after Pearl Harbor. We tend to stereotype. Republicans knew this, and tried to use this dirty tactic to relate Obama to Terrorism through his middle name. Obama also knew this, and tried to play it down as much as possible.

By referring to Barack Hussein Obama like that, you take on an (online) condescending tone.

Also, you mentioned Bush was not able to cut spending because of the war. Oddly enough, it was him who pushed for war. By cutting taxes, he pleased people at home. By fighting Bush's Battle, he pleased himself-all while sending the government deficit down the shitter. Same way politicians F-ed up social security for the iGeneration, they kept voters happy by promising more benefits, and all the money went away.

Now, since Bush tried to spend too much to keep him and the voters happy, we've got an economy that is terrifying to me, as it seems the world is barreling towards apocalypse (environment, global economy, war, disease)(yes, I am exaggerating) we need to save our own asses-not liberate people in Iraq. Yes, we deserve bin Laden's head smashed through the point of the capitol building like a skewer, but invading Iraq is NOT the way to do this, nor is it the way to save money. The economy is not the primary reason I support Obama, in fact, I think both McCain and Obama had awful economic plans. However, I support his other policies, and to me it seems the biggest check we can cut right now is the defense budget.

Lurker, you keep mentioning that you went to school in the USSR- for real? USSR or Russia? Were you there for school only, or were you raised there?

Disclaimer: If it seems like gibberish, it's because I'm wiped.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

Shhh.... don't discourage them!

This tactic worked wonders for them in '08 and hopefully they will keep pushing it through to '12.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

All of you are overstating the Government's (let alone the President's) ability to control economics. It's nice to think that there are simple switches and levers that we can pull, but there aren't. The Government/President's control is less like driving a sports car and more like guiding a white water raft.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

Congress has all the power. The executive is merely enforcement... and the Commander in Chief.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

Exactly, and both parties in Congress have been behaving exponentially badly with our money since the dot com boom made them think cash grows on trees.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

awood91, Barrack Hussein Obama has gone by the name Barry H. Sorrento at times during his life, so I think it's not disrespectful to call him by any of those names.

Barry, sure. But Sorrento? Never heard that one before.
Re: The Economy (stupid)

It's just that "Barrack Obama" is a brand name created for politics. It has a logo and a slogan - it's not that man's "name"

During the campaign we were all barred/censored from using his middle name, even though outlets regularly referred to Bill Clinton's wife as "Hilary Rodham Clinton" - the censors would not allow you to use Barrack's middle name. It was deemed taboo. Even McCain said that he found using the middle name offensive.

Using the guy's name is offensive? Funny. Ironic.

Prior to the creation of the "Barrack Obama" brand, he went by "Barry". Personally, I find it so uppity and arrogant to suddenly change your name to something like "Barrack" when for decades nobody called you that. But it plays nicely into his brand, whereas "Barry" would be too "Jesse Jackson" old-black-politics. He had to be elevated above that fray. He couldn't be "everyman" so his brand name had to reflect this.

Now that he's President-elect, he has decided to add the "Hussein" back into his brand. He has graciously lifted the media censorship and has now granted the media the right to use "Hussein". The name that even McCain said was offensive to use. Funny. Ironic.

Interesting article:

Case in point:

How many of you know the Canadian actor Mike Fox? Are you wracking your brains? You might not recognize his actual name, but I bet you all recognize his brand name which is "Michael J. Fox".

In celebrity, 'name' and 'brand name' are two different things. And our 'Barry' is nothing if not a celebrity.
