The Big Dig


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I am curious to hear your opinions on the Big Dig and the affects it has had on Boston. Do you feel the money was worth it? Do you feel the traffic has improved? Or that it is easier for people to get around as the infrastructure makes sense for traffic patterns?

Also, can anyone speak about the proposed Boston Bypass?
Personally I think it was 100% worth it. Would I have done things differently if I were in charge? Sure, but the city is undeniably better for it. Anyone who has waited in traffic at 1am on the old Central Artery can attest to the traffic improvement. Quality of life is black and white here; before there was a loud dirty monster cutting off downtown, now there are parks (despite my feelings about the RKG it is an improvement).

Edit: As far as the Boston Bypass, I am curious as well. From what I think I remember it was supposed to be some loop road which traveled along the Harbor Islands, but I could be wrong.
My biggest problem is the I-90 extension, it could have been done alot better, IMO. Here's my take:

I didn't go into detail on the interchanges, but you get the idea.

I would also eliminate cars from the Sumner and Callahan, but I was considering keeping them and converting then to a light rail alignment. Northbound trolleys can either go towards Lechmere or to a new Central Square East Boston branch via the Sumner/Callahan after passing through Government Center.
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I've never heard your arguments but they are intriguing (in a woulda coulda shoulda sort of way).

The ted williams tunnel alignment argument I get, but I think the reality of that alignment is that it would either have to go under the blue line for half a mile or so, or surface, the latter of which would have just traded the balkanization of the North End in for cutting off Maverick Hill and Jeffries Point. By pushing it east it adds 2 minutes for drivers and keeps eastie consolidated. If your alignment were indeed being proposed, I would also argue against the Seaport connector and instead get traffic going there to surface at summer street and hang a right there

But I'm super interested to hear you idea about sumner callahan.... how about closing one, putting in an LRT line, walking and cycling lanes and rent vendor space out? Take the remaining tunnel and make one way--inbound in the am, outbound in the pm?
I did indeed forget to take into account the Blue Line's curve, but judging by this map there is no direct conflict in alignments:


However, there may be some sort of distance requirement for construction safety purposes. That can be altered slightly by curving the tunnel that's under the harbor.

The seaport connector was basically just an idea for the future build up of the area. Also, an easy way out for the trucks in the area.


Honestly, the Sumner/Callahan thing just came into my head as I made that map while typing that post. I hadn't even thought of it before. I was thinking of using both tunnels for it though. It's been a while since I've been throught them, but I'm not sure if it's wide enough to have trolleys going opposite directions in one tunnel. Definitely not wide enough for bike lanes if you do that, either. I'd say a southbound bike/trolley tunnel, and a northbound bike/trolley tunnel. The one-way tunnel thing would be very tricky as far as interchanges with I-93 go. It could be done, and there could be a 30 minute downtime between directional changes for closing the right ramps and making sure everyone is out, but still, not sure I like the idea. I think it's necessary to use both for trolleys.
I read your map wrong-- i thought that your alignment was going under Maverick Square--there still would be the conflict once you got near airport station, but they could've coordinated with the airport station redesign and have figured it out
A problem with closing the old East Boston tunnels to car traffic: there is no ramp from the southbound Central Artery to eastbound I-90 and the Ted Williams Tunnel. The Big Dig was designed so that traffic coming from the north or from Storrow Drive would continue to use the Callahan Tunnel to reach Eastie and Logan Airport.
I also think it was 100% worth it, just take a look around faneuil Hall on a nice Sat/Sun. Also If I remember correctly prior to big dig it narrowed down to 3 lanes, so imagine today if 1 to 2 lanes were blocked 24/7 and that plus maybe 25% is the traffic we would have to deal with today.

Only thing they could have planned better is the exits from 93N to ted william tunnel,E-Berkely, S. Station, Mass Pike, traffic waiting to exit causes traffic problems.

Not sure but I dont think the HOV lane to airport was really neccassary.
Just curious, when will the Big Dig be paid off?
Well, Germany just finally paid off its World War I reparations. So.... in 90 years?
