Tiger Woods Apology


Active Member
Oct 10, 2009
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I was at the gym today listening to some psy-trance and watching CNN at the same time and just had to laugh at Tiger's apology. Who fucking gives a shit? As long as it's reciprocal, you should be able to fuck who you want. Sports are lame so I don't follow it or its athletes, but what does Tiger's monogamy have to do with his golfing career? Did he join the stupid Southern Christian Right a few years ago and advocate abstinence only for young teenagers? If he did, he deserves this crap but I'm under the impression he just kept his mouth shut and made himself a mama's boy for the camera so he could make more money. ENLIGHTEN ME IF I'M WRONG.
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Running on the treadmill and lifting weights for health reasons is not a sport. I'm not competing with anybody.
APoM is right. Why does Tiger need to come out publicly and apologize to the nation? What did Tiger do to the rest of the nation and its people that he owes us an apology? Did he cheat on us? Did he harm us? While kids or people who see Tiger as a role model may argue that he provided a bad example for the impressionable, to be bound on to a stockade and paraded around the nation like a town idiot makes no sense. Tiger only needs to apologize to his family. If I was him, I would refuse to apologize to the public, I would refuse to apologize on a televised event. Media: They ruin lives.
He should apologize to his wife and family and maybe to the companies whose products he endorsed. He has no obligations to anyone else, certainly not to us.
