Worst Empty Parcel Nominations


Not a Brahmin
Staff member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Nominate what you believe is the most detrimental vacant lot in the Boston area.
let me re-nominate this year pike parcels 14/15 air rights. Not only is the gaping hole in the ground disasterous for this section of the city, so is the lack of crosswalks and general bad state of the sidewalks surrounding it. Filling in Parcel 15 would do wonders for that whole corner of the city.


150 Cross St Parking Lot

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Parcels 25/26 on Kneeland St that no one wants

As an aside, perhaps in the future this award could be widened to include most underutilized lots, in order to avoid the same highly visible empty lots being proposed year after year? I can think of a lot of spots that are poorly utilized, but are not empty per se.
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Do abandoned parcels count? 1420 Boylston Ave is pretty awful. The intersection is already a big cluster f*ck and the looming decrepit gas station next to the Sonder tower is quite bleak. The development across the way at the Landmark Center is such a massive improvement and is regularly activated during the warmer seasons (and the ice rink during a normal year...). As the east gate to the Fenway, the lot is really one of the last remaining pieces to humanize it all.

Do abandoned parcels count?

I'll say yes. For underutilized we can consider expanding/making a new category next year. If people really want it included this year, we can talk about it.
292 Columbus Ave


This might have already won but if not
This one is good. It's actually disruptive to the urban area around it to the point of not wanting to be near the intersection. Made worse by that gross party wall with an obnoxious real-estate ad.
A few of the other nominations are a little too tiny/infill-like and don't have much effect beyond a blip in the fabric.

This parcel is a giant hole.
