Zip Car


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I am curious what your opinions are about this service? Do you like it? Do you think having spaces located to new residential development is a good idea?
I don't use it but I'm glad it's there. I think it would be a great addition to new residential projects, but the developer would need to take into account that people who don't live in the building would need access to that parking spot (both as a pedestrian and when returning the car and when the cleaners come to tidy up the car during downtime).
I use it and I'm fairly satisfied with it. If you're a college student, this is a must have. Registering with a university would save you a lot. I think an annual membership without registering with a university is like $85 but I paid only $15 with Northeastern University. Also, unless you're trying to impress, the cars are cheap with the lowest price going at $7.75/hr. Gas and insurance is included and you can drive to places you can't reach on the T. All of the cars are equipped with IPod adapters. Just watch out for the fines and penalty for not gassing up or coming back late. Otherwise, my only other complaint is that it doesn't work like the Hubway where you want to just use the car to get to one place and not have to drive it back to its original station.
Love it, use it regularly. Using it tomorrow, 1:30-6:00pm, high-rental time, $74 total, includes car, gas, and insurance (may not be good insurance, but at least it's some), parking lot is about 600 feet from our apt, behind the church at 2 Clarendon. Car is a Nissan Altima Hybrid.

Using it again on Tuesday, did a 12 hour rental since it was as cheap as it would have been for eight, going to New Hampshire, 150 miles probably total, cost is $74 total. Getting car from same lot. It's a Mazda 3.

Our usual car is a Volvo S40, usually runs about $12 per hour.

Since I don't often have clients for business, we have no other need to own a car. Between the cost of car & insurance and the hassles of South End street parking, we think it's worth it by far.

I agree, having it as part of a development would be beneficial for the people who live there but has to be accessible to everyone, and not hidden away in a garage or something, making it hard to access or not worth the effort.

There is a membership fee to sign up, but it's one-time. However, there is an annual $10 charge ... that goes to the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority.
I haven't used Zipcar yet, but would love to try it out if they parked some cars up here in Portland. I've seen quite a few around town though, since they have the service at a few colleges in greater Portland.

We have UCarShare (owned by U-Haul) here, which I've been using since they started a few years ago. I am a non-car-owning person living downtown so it's quite convenient. When I need to use the service, I usually take it out for a couple hours and it costs about $12 with fees and taxes. There isn't an annual membership fee which is nifty, and there are lots of codes you can find online that waive the initial $25 application fee. There are only four cars in Portland though, so that can be an issue sometimes. There is talk of adding another one soon, which would be great. Having these car sharing services located near transportation hubs and major developments is a smart idea.
